Mask Making(fox)

I made a mask of fox using paper mache.

newspaper, tape, paper mache, varnish, watercolour paint.
Paper Crush

take a piece for newspaper and crush it to get a shape of your face mask. then, put tape on it so that it doesn't move.
Paper Mache Base

roll the paper mache to flatten it and put it on the top of the crushed paper. make it smoothen and get the shape of your mask with your hand.
Adding Details

add ears. Make holes for eyes with tools. then, smoothen it .
Making Lines

make some lines on the mask in the edges using small pin to look more like fox.

after it dries, use varnish paint on it first.

Paint the mask with brown colour and edge of the nose with black using water colour paint.

make a stand to place your mask straight on it.