Making an Online Folio

Making an online folio is really easy, and has lots of advantages over a paper folio, you don't have to do battle with a printer, your dog can't eat it, and you can email your teacher the link. If your looking for a job and you do a great job of your folio you can put the link on your resume or Curriculum Vitae.
Smart employers are looking for what you can do, and a folio is a great way to show this off.
Have a look at the link to get some idea of the finished folio
Your Title Page

To make a start open either Word or Google docs and make a title page, easy enough it should have three things.
- Your Name
- Your subject
- A photo or drawing that is relevant to the subject
- Do not use PowerPoint or slide show presentations
Index or Contents Page

Your contents page should reflect the contents of your folio and the year level that you are in. At year seven your folio may only have a couple of projects listed, at year 12 or if your looking for a job you contents may have contact detail, copyright and disclaimer statement.
You just keep adding pages do not make new documents for each page
Documenting Your Work

In year seven you will be asked just to document your work, so you just need to screenshot your drawings and take photos of your finished project, make sure you have a 2D, 3D and a photo album or rendered drawing.
Also, take some photos and label everything which could be a simple as "this is my key tag in 2D"
The New Skills You Learnt

In year 7 you will need to write an evaluation which means you have to document what you learnt. You need to think about.
- new skills you have learnt
- mistakes you made
- how you fixed your mistakes
- how you can make your project better
- what was easy
- what was difficult.
Because the web page shrinks things a little use a bigger font that you would normally use, around size 14 or it will be difficult to read.
Safety Certificates

In year 8 and above you will be asked to do an online safety course, and when complete you will have a number of certificates. Screenshot each certificate and paste one on each page, The writing on parts of the certificate is very small and impossible to read if you put more than one on a page.

In year 8 and above you may be asked to research your project, You may be given an assignment or it may be self-directed and you have to research your project on your own. Document your research with lots of photos and notes, and keep the font size at around 14.
In years 11 and 12 you maybe asked to provide different options and justify the option that you choose.
Keep Track of What You Have Done

Always take lots of photos of your progress, and write a few lines about what you are doing, If you are in VCE this is a large part of your marks, and if your looking for a job this will impress the interviewer. It will also impress your teacher and make your evaluation task easier.
Making a PDF

The first step to making our folio "online" or a web page is to turn our document into a PDF
- On MS Word go to file/ save as/ then in file format choose PDF
- On Google docs go to file /download/PDF it will appear in your downloads folder.
- On an Ipad Tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen/ Select Share and export/ Choose Send a copy, then make sure PDF is selected and hit Ok / Select the person to send it to, or choose Save to files to save it to your Ipad
Flip HTML5 Update

Fliphtml 5 had an update you may get this interface if you are a new user.
Now you have a PDF go to
You can log in with your Google account, once you have logged just follow the steps and click on the screenshots if you're not sure.
- Click on Upload
- Find your PDF and open it
- Wait for the PDF to convert
- Click on the little grey box near the URL link to copy
- Do not copy the link in the browser address bar as the link will not work.
Submitting Your Work

Now you have a link you can paste it into your web browser, and proofread it to make sure its perfect if you find an error you will have to go back to your document, fix it, export as a pdf and re-upload it then delete your old folio.
Most teachers at St Mary's ask for you to submit your tasks on Simon and you can do this in this by pasting the link in the submission notes. There are a few steps to this so click on the photos the screen shots will show you how
You can, of course, email your friends the link or use the link as part of your CV.