Making a Wooden House Sign on CNC
by davethewoodworker in Workshop > Woodworking
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Making a Wooden House Sign on CNC

In this Instructable I will show you how I made a Numbers House sign using a CNC Router.
I have a old set of metal numbers on the side of my house, so I thought I could spruce it up a bit. By making a House sign out of wood. Since I now have a CNC, I can make a professional looking sign, this is what I came up with.
I have included the crv files and the dxf file for those who are interested.
Note I am not a expert at this, please check all toolpaths and cutters before creating toolpaths for CNC
Items Needed

CNC Router ( I am using the Xcarve)
Cam and Cad Program ( I am using Aspire)
Wood ( I am using a piece of Poplar 16 3/4" x 11 1/2" x 25/32")
1/4" Downcut Endmill Bit
90 * V-Bit
Stain ( I used Minwax Dark Walnut and Prestain wood conditioner)
Black Craft Paint
Small paint brush
Paint Brush or Foam brush
Minwax Clear Gloss Polyurethane

I open Aspire and design the layout of the sign.
I first draw a ellipse 9" x 4.5", I then added a rectangle 11" x 6" .
Put some 1 3/4" circles in each corner of the square, then took the Interactive vector trim to cut notches in the corners.
I then added another ellipse 12" x 7". Again I used the Interactive vector trim tool, cut vectors until I had the shaped that I was looking for. Then I highlighted the outer vector, selected the tool, offset vectors, inwards .5" and created a new vector, that looks like the outer vector.
I then added the numbers, using Times new Roman and 2.5".

I then setup the toolpaths, first using a 1/4" downcut endmill bit, to cut the inner flat areas. Then I choose a 90* V-Bit to finish the inner cuts, plus carve the numbers.I cut both of these at a depth of 1/4" deep.
I Preview all toolpaths, before exporting them to gcode.

Place your stock in the CNC Router and fasten down. I clamp mine down.
Install a 1/4" Endmill in the router and carve the flat areas out first.

Now I install a 90* V-Bit, we then finish carving the inner shape and then carve the numbers.

Now we cut the part out by using a 1/4" Downcut Endmill bit.

I painted the numbers and area where I used the V-bit, using Black Craft Paint.
Let the paint dry overnight.
Sand and Clean

I sanded the flat areas of the piece using 220 grit sandpaper, then blew off with air hose and wiped off real good.
Apply Prestain and Stain

I applied Minwax Prestain wood conditioner, let set for a few minutes, then applied Minwax Dark Walnut Stain.
After letting stain set for about 15 minutes, I wiped off with a clean rag.
Then I let the stain dry overnight.
Apply Clear Coat

Now I sprayed Minwax Clear Gloss Polyurethane and let it dry for 24 hours.

Now after the Clear finish has dried, hang the House sign onto the side of your house and enjoy your hard work.
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