Make a Minecraft Creeper Face With Legos

by scistone in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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Make a Minecraft Creeper Face With Legos

Here is how to make a Minecraft Creeper face with Legos


You need green peices, black peices, and some flat 4*4s to make this.

 *Green: 2 2*4s, 2 1*4s, 7 2*1s, and 2 1*1s.

 *Black: 2 2*2s, 1 2*3, and 1 1*3.

 Flat: 4 flat 4*4s

*This is pixel art, so you can use subsitutes as long as they keep the flat peices together.

Building It

Creeper face - enlarged.png
First, make the base by putting the flat 4*4s in a square so they become a big 8*8

*To make the frame, put a 4*1 with two 2*1s beside it (horizontally) at the top and bottom of the base.
Then, place the 4*2s on either side of the base, with 2 2*1s above them(vertical).

Next, put a 2*1 horrizontaly above the bottom 4*1 and a 2*2 below the top one.
After that, put in 2 1*1s beside the top of the 4*2s

Fill in the rest with black.

*Frame=all green

