Make a Candle From Cheese

by Aperition in Outside > Survival

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Make a Candle From Cheese


So I found myself with a bit of spare time. Had a snack and figured I'd make an instructable.

Get Some Cheese


Purchase some popular snackable cheese,

Remove Handy Cheese Opening Mechanism


Locate and pull gently on one of the two tabs that are easily located on the cheese.

Continue until the cheese opening mechanism has been fully removed.

Remove Cheese From Protective Casing


Pull gently on one half of the protective casing until it is free of the cheese.

Pull gently on the cheese until it is free of the remaining half of the protective casing.

Discard the cheese opening mechanism and consume the cheese (yum)

Separate Both Halves of the Protective Casing


Separate both halves of the casing by gently pulling apart at the short umbilical.

Place both halves on a single sheet of toilet paper.

Cut and Roll the Sheet of Toilet Paper


Cut the sheet of toilet paper in half.

Roll, then twist slightly, one half of the toilet paper so that it's length is made up from its shortest side.

(Slightly confused? Come on, I know you can figure it out. Besides, I felt that the whole process needed an edge of challenge)

Discard the unrolled half of toilet paper.

Insert the Toilet Paper


Place the toilet paper into one half of the protective casing.

Insert the other half of the protective casing into the half with the toilet paper in it. Creating a sandwich.

Mould the Protective Casing


Flatten both protective casings.

Mould the casings so that it resembles a traditional candle.

Stand and Light the Candle


Place the candle in an upright position, with the toilet paper upper most.

Using a recognised method of lighting candles, set fire to the toilet paper.

Well done you have successfully constructed and lit an emergency candle.

Testing the Candle


I lit the candle to see how long it would last.

It burned for approximately seven minutes. Whilst burning, it gave off a lot of black sooty smoke.

It may be possible to reduce the sooty smoke by using less toilet paper.


Is the candle a viable emergency means of light?

In all honesty there is no reason why anyone would seriously use this method for making emergency candles.

For the same price of a packet of the cheese, you could buy purpose built candles that would last longer and give off less sooty smoke.

Is there any point to this candle?

Yes, I think there is. The candle though completely impractical, is a great way to introduce people into basic survival skills. It shows that it is possible to make something practical from ordinary household items. Possibly bringing those people into thinking laterally about stuff and possible 'other uses' for things.

It's a fun and simple way teach a basic skill which may trigger interest to explore further and increase or improve current knowledge about basic survival.

It's also quite a neat party trick.

Finally, if you do happen to purchase this particular type of cheese on a regular basis, keep the wax. When you have a sufficient amount, melt it down and use it to add a protective casing around your favourite real cheese. If stored correctly it should last quite a while.

(If you choose to undertake the above mentioned suggestion, please seek guidance from a trained cheese waxer. So as to avoid the disappointment of ruining your favourite cheese)

Many thanks =ยข)