Make Your Own Giant POP-OUT Cake

by Sweetp86 in Craft > Parties & Weddings

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Make Your Own Giant POP-OUT Cake


Every year, for my boyfriends birthday, I ask him what he wants. He always replies with, "I want you to jump out of a cake". Needless to say, this year I decided to do it! I'm going too show you exactly how I made my own giant "POP-OUT" cake.



  • 12 bristol board
  • glue gun
  • glue sticks
  • wrapping paper
  • packing tape
  • ribbon
  • washi tape
  • memorable pictures
  • x-acto knife
  • 3 hula hoops

  • You will need one large hula hoop and two smaller ones(one about an inch smaller then the other). If you can get different sized hula hoops, great. If not, then you will need to do it yourself.

  • Start by cutting about a 6 inch piece out of one hula hoop, and about 61/2 out of another. **(you will need to be able to fit through these hula hoops, so depending on your size is how much you should cut off)
  • Now, if you try to tape the hula hoops together, it doesn't make it so it is totally round. So what I did, was grab something that could fit inside the hula hoop and was about as long as a marker.(That being said, I used a marker)
  • Take your glue gun and put a fair amount of glue in the one side of the hula hoop and insert the marker half way in and let it dry.
  • Then do the same with the other side, while holding the hula hoop together as the glue dries.
  • I then wrapped packing tape around where the hula hoops meet, to give it that extra hold.
  • Do the same with the other hula hoop remembering to make it about 1/2 inch to an inch smaller.

  • Start by grabbing 3 pieces of bristol board(shiny side up) and attach them together with some packing tape. **I put the edges together as close as I could and didn't over lap them, just to make it look neater)
  • With the shiny side up, take your hula hoop and hot glue, and glue the hula hoop down on the bristol board.

  • Take your x-acto knife and while holding it parrallel against the edge of the hula hoop, carefully go around the edge of the hula hoop, cutting off the excess bristol board. ** You want a clean edge that's even with the hula hoop edge. So make sure your x-acto knife isnt on an angle when cutting.

  • Take the hula hoop that is the larger of the two smaller ones. Glue it onto the bristol board making sure it is evenly centered as much as possible with the larger one, as shown above.

  • Do the same as you did for the largest hula hoop and cut off the excess bristol board from the inside. ** Remember not to have your x-acto knife on an angle.

  • Now take 3 pieces of bristol board(shiny side up) and line up the edges evenly without overlapping them.
  • Take some packing tape and tape them together just on the shiny side of the bristol board.

  • Now your going to take the piece you just made with the 2 hula hoops and lay it flat on the ground(I'm just holding it up in the picture so I could take a picture to show you)

**you may need 2 people for the next step, as you have to do it quickly before the glue dries**

  • Now take your glue gun and put a fair amount of glue in the crevice between the bristol board and the hula hoop(left picture) about 6 inches along.
  • Take your bristol board(shiny side on the inside) and while making sure the edge is flat on the ground and even with the edge of bristol board thats attached to the hula hoops, attach it to where the hot glue is.
  • Do this the whole way until your bristol board is attached all the way around.
  • When you get to the end, take a piece of packing tape and tape along the edge on the inside of the bristol board to hold the two end pieces together.
  • Take your x-acto knife and cut off any extra bristol board that's left over.
  • If you have to over lap so there is no gap then that is fine, but try to get it as close as possible.

  • As you can see in the picture in step 7, where the bristol board meets, it makes a bend. We want it to be as rounded as possible. So to fix this, i just took a piece of bristol board about 5 inches long(left pic) and folded it in half.
  • Then I took a piece of tape and taped it over top of where the two bristol boards meet near the bottom(top right pic). This made it so there is no longer a crease and makes it nice and round.

  • Now your going to do steps 7 & 8 with the last hula hoop. Except the only difference is there is no crevice to put the glue, so you want to put the hot glue along the edge of the hula hoop.
  • Still make sure to keep the bristol board's edge flat to the ground like you did the first one, so its edge is even with the top of the hula hoop.

  • Now your going to take the smallest tier and put it into the center hole of the larger tier.
  • Line up the bottom edge of the bristol board with the bottom of the hula hoop edge(this doesnt have to be perfect just enough so you can glue it so it stays)
  • Take your hot glue gun and put about 5 inches of glue inside the crevice where the bristol board and hula hoop meet on the larger tier(top right pic).
  • Attach the bottom of the smaller tier to the hula hoop.
  • Do this all the way around so the tier is secure in place.

  • Next your going to take a piece of wrapping paper, and cut it so it covers the top of the small tier.
  • Then take your glue gun and put glue on half of the top edge of the hula hoop.
  • Quickly put the wrapping paper, white side up, on top of where the glue is so it covers the top of the tier.
  • Then do the same thing to the other half of the hula hoop.
  • Take your x-acto knife and cut the excess wrapping paper off, keeping the x-acto knife parralel to the bristol board so there is no gap between the bristol board and the wrapping paper.
  • Cut a "X" in the center of the wrapping paper about 4 inches each way(this is where your going to put your hands through to "POP" out of).
  • There, now you have the base of your giant "POP-OUT" cake done.


Now the fun part... Decorate it anyway you like.

Some ideas:

  • To hide the seams where the bristol boards meet. I just glued some trim along the edge.
  • I also put some fancy ribbon along the edge where the bristol boards meet so you could not notice them seam.
  • You can print some memorable pictures out and glue them on the sides. I then put some ribbon or washi tape along the edges of the pictures to make them pop.
  • You can use embellishments or stickers.
  • You can even modge podge some real sprinkles on it, or even some confetti.
  • When I popped out of mine, I had a confetti popper in my hand and held it through the hole of the wrapping paper. Just as I was about to pop out I launched the confetti popper(note that this is VERY messy).



Your very own Giant "POP-OUT" Cake