Magnetic Fidget Clicker

Here is a very cheap and simple fidget toy for adults that is fun to play with while possibly annoying other people around you. Use with caution! Introducing the magnetic fidget clicker, for less than $4.
For the pretty version made from wood, continue to step 1.
For the quick & easy make, i.e. a 3D printed version, go to step 3.
The magnets are small and quite strong! This fidget clicker is not a safe toy for children! Make and use at your own risk!

Small scrap pieces of hardwood
8 small neodymium magnets, 1/4” round by 1/8” thick. Observe the handling instructions and cautions included by the vendor. (, $0.43 each)
If you use different magnets, adjust dimensions accordingly.
Wood glue, CA glue
Make a Wooden Clicker

Prepare a 1.25” by 2” by 3/4” piece of hardwood. Drill four 1/4” holes and one 1/2” hole through the wood on a drill press as indicated in the pdf clicker_drawing. Slice the wood block to cut off two pieces a little more than 1/4" thick. Use a bandsaw or handsaw, don’t make this cut on a table saw: the piece is too small to do this safely. Sand the cut faces flat to remove the saw marks. You now have the two halves of the clicker; they should be a little more than 1/4" thick to accommodate the magnets.
Cut a thin slice of hardwood (e.g. 1/16”) off a larger board, or use a piece of veneer wood. You will need four pieces slightly larger than 1.25” by 2”. Glue two of these pieces onto the two wood block halves you made. After the glue dries trim everything flush.
Insert the Magnets and Click Away!

When handling the magnets take the precautions included by the vendor/manufacturer. Take four magnets and insert them into one of the wooden blocks, all in the same N/S orientation. Then insert four magnets into the second block so that the two blocks attract each other as shown. Once you have the orientation correct (please check again!) use CA glue to fix the magnets in place.
Glue the other two thin boards to the outside of the wooden blocks to cover up the magnets. Leave the 1/2" hole exposed, it serves as a finger grip.
Sand a bevel on the wood blocks like shown, to about 1/2” in from the edge. The result resembles a clothespin, sort of.
Trim and sand everything flush and round the four corners.
Stick the two wooden blocks together, the magnets will hold them in place. Then push on the beveled edges to use the clicker. Stop before you get yelled at!
Easy Version Is 3D Printed

3D print the four parts for the clicker (2 x clicker, 2 x cover). The Fusion 360 file and the mesh files for 3D printing are attached. Insert the magnets into the four holes of the first clicker half, all facing in the same N/S orientation. Use CA glue to permanently fix the magnets in the holes. Glue on the cover to hide and further secure the magnets. Insert the other four magnets into the second clicker half. Be sure to get the orientation of the magnets right so that the two clicker halves attract. I included small holes in the design in case you have to push the magnets back out. Use CA glue to fix the magnets and cover like you did for the first piece.
Enjoy and annoy!