Lego Clue

A neat way to spruce up old board games is to Lego-ify them! In my case, I had a really old Clue board but lost all the pieces to the game. Luckily, I was able to re-create the game in Lego form! If you really want to get creative, check out this version of Lego Clue by Ian Spacek. In this instructable, I will tell you how I created mine, so you can do the same and I will also explain how to play the game.

You will need the following to create your own Lego Clue.
A Clue Board (old or new)
A Computer
A Die
A Printer
Custom Lego Clue Characters & Weapons (see next step)*
(The Lego Clue characters and weapons should correspond with the ones that came with your Clue Board. Also, If you want specific Lego pieces like parts to make Professor Plum or a Lego knife, BrickLink is a great place to buy such pieces.)
*Not show in photos
Creating Your Game Pieces

First you will need to assemble these characters out of Lego pieces:
- Mr. Green
- Professor Plum
- Miss Scarlet
- Mrs. Peacock
- Col. Mustard
- Mrs. White
You can create them however you like.
I tried to make my characters' clothing correspond with the colors in their names, except I had trouble making Professor Plum and Col. Mustard due to a lack of the right pieces. Also, instead of finding a Lego piece similar to rope, I used regular thread.
Then find (or build) the correct Lego weapons for your game. BrickLink is a great place to order specific Lego pieces.
Creating the Cards, Notepads and Envelope

Once you have all of your people assembled and your Lego weapons laid out, photograph them. If you are good with photo editors you may want to remove the backgrounds of your photos so that the focus is primarily on each of the characters and weapons, however it is not absolutely necessary in order to make the game. Then using a software of your choice (I used Apple's "Pages") create the cards. Create a card for each of the following (or different if you Clue board is newer and contains different people, weapons, and/or rooms:
- Mr. Green
- Professor Plum
- Miss Scarlet
- Mrs. Peacock
- Col. Mustard
- Mrs. White
- Candlestick
- Knife
- Pipe
- Pistol
- Rope
- Wrench
- Ball Room
- Billiard Room
- Conservatory
- Dining Room
- Hall
- Kitchen
- Library
- Lounge
- Study
Then print and cut out your cards. I included the files I used for my game. You are more than welcome to modify and adapt them for your game. Don't forget to print out the "Lego Clue Notepad" and "Clue Envelope" files from this step and cut them out. You may want to print out the "Lego Clue Notepad" file a few times so you have a enough copies to play with. If the rooms, suspects, and/or weapons are different in your game, simply modify the files to correspond with what you have.
How to Play

Goal: The goal of the game is to answer the questions: Who? What? Where?
Setup: Place each character on his/her starting point on the board. Sort the cards into 3 piles: Rooms, Suspects, and Weapons. Shuffle each pile. Take one card from each pile and place them into the "Confidential" envelope. Merge the remaining cards back into one pile and shuffle them. Distribute the remaining cards to each of the players. If there are not enough cards for every player to get the same amount, give them as many as you can and then place the extras face up for all players to see.
Gameplay: On each turn, try to reach a different room of the mansion. To start your turn, move your character either by rolling the die or, if you're in a corner room, using a Secret Passage. There are three ways of entering and leaving a room:
There are three ways of entering a room:
- Throwing the die and moving your character along the squares (horizontally or vertically only) to enter a room through a doorway.
- Via the Secret Passages by leaping across the board, corner to corner, without using the die.
- If a player includes you in his/her suggestion, you are to be sent to the room in which you the accuser suggested you committed the crime in.
Making Suggestions: As soon as you enter a room, you can make a suggestion. By making suggestions, you try to determine - by process of elimination -- which three cards are in the confidential envelope. To make a suggestion, move a suspect and a weapon into the room that you just entered. Then suggest that the crime was committed in that room, by that suspect, with that weapon and choose which opponent you want to prove you wrong (if they can.)
Example: Let's say that you're Miss Scarlet and you enter the Lounge. First move another Suspect -- Mr. Green, for instance -- into the Lounge. Then move a weapon into the Lounge (the wrench, perhaps) and say "I suggest that the crime was committed in the Lounge, by Mr. Green with the Wrench." and announce which opponent you want to prove you wrong. You must be in the Room that you mention in your accusation. Be sure to consider all characters -- including spare characters and yourself! -- as falling under equal suspicion.
You can only make one suggestion after entering a particular room. To make your next suggestion, you must either enter a different room or sometime after your next turn, re-enter the room that you most recently left. You may not forfeit a turn to remain in a particular room.
Proving the Suggestion True Or False: As soon as you make a suggestion, the opponent whom you chose to prove you wrong, will attempt to do so. That player looks at his or her cards to see if one of the three cards you just named is there. If the player has one or more of these cards, he or she must show it to you and no one else (even if the player had others). If the player has more than one of the cards named, he or she must select just one and show it to you. If that opponent does not have any of the three cards, then you may choose another opponent to prove you wrong. Obviously, if any player has one of the cards named in the suggestion, it is proof that those particular cards are not in the envelope. The opportunity to prove the suggestion false passes to another player of your choice until some player has shown ONE card to the suggesting player, whose turn then ends, and play passes to the next player. If no one is able to prove your suggestion false, you may either end your turn or make an accusation now. Remember to use your Clue Notepad to keep track of what cards could be in the envelope and what cards could not.
Making an Accusation: When you think you've figured out which three cards are in the envelope, you may, on your turn, make an accusation. First say "I accuse (Suspect) of committing the crime in the (Room) with the (Weapon)." Then, so that the other players do not see, look at the three cards in the envelope. In a suggestion, the Room you name must be the Room where your character is located, but in an accusation, you may name any room.
Winning the game: If the accusation is completely correct, that is, if you find in the envelope, all 3 cards that you just named, lay the cards face up on the table and you are the winner.
If the Accusation is Incorrect: Secretly return the three cards to the envelope replace it on the board. You may make no further moves in the game. You remain as a player to contradict suggestions made by other players. If your character is blocking a door, move it into room so that other players may enter. Your opponents may continue to move your character into the various rooms where they make suggestions.
My rules may differ from the original rules, so if you would like, you can view the official rules here.