Lazy Dalgona Coffee

This instructables show how to make Dalgona Coffee in a lazy way.
Pair of Chopsticks
rubber bands
Coffee blend
How Lazy Works?

All steps to make a Dalgona Coffee are straight forward.The most important thing is I don't want to hold the milk-frother few minutes. So I use pair of chopsticks and some rubber bands help me hold the milk-frother.
Lazy Steps

- Measure same volume of coffee blend, sugar and hot water (5 ml to 15 ml depends on your favor)
- Put all 3 ingredients in the cup
- Turn on the lazy milk-frother and put it in the cup
- Wait 1 to 5 minutes until it become thick (I will wash-up the things at that time)
- Take out the milk-frother slowly and then turn off the power
- Wash-up the milk-frother in lazy way by turning on in the tape water
- Pour milk to the cup