Laser Cut Box

I´ve always been interested in the precision and creativity involved in laser cutting. For my project, I decided to create my own custom laser-cut box, the Ubox. In this project, I will show you how to make one and ensure that it is functional and aesthetically appealing. I created this box to look modern and to have a storage solution. It also has six sides and will have decorative engraving on the sides. The box can be used for anything from a storage container to a personalized gift box.

Now, we need to find the right materials because it´s important for the design of your box and the functionality. I chose regular wood because of how natural and modern it would look on the box. Here are the materials you can use depending on your preferences:
-Laser Cutter machine
-Computer/laptop: for the box design, RetinaEngrave for the cutting Material.
-11.8" x 11.8" in piece of 1/8" Baltic birch plywood
-Sandpaper(optional): To smooth out the edges
-Wood glue: To assemble the box.
Designing Box

To begin, I started using an online tool to create a custom box template called for laser cutting. It also allows me to change my dimensions and to make sure it fits perfectly with the 11.8 x11.8 pieces of plywood. These are my steps for making sure my box is accurate and has good designs. First, I need to make sure that the dimensions of the box fit 11.8 x11.8 on the plywood. So I adjust the length, width, and height in the design tool. Next, I add some decorative engraving on the side of the walls like a butterfly, jellyfish, and a flower. Lastly, I decided to choose a simple Ubox with a simple interlocking box design.
Laser Cut Software Design

After you are finished with your box designs, it´s time to prepare it for cutting using the RetinaEngrave, the laser cutter software. First, you have to import your designs by opening RetinaEngrave and you need to be on Music Titan. Next, you need to make sure to adjust to the right power and speed according to your material. For example, 80 power and 100 speed for engraving for cutting it was like 85 power and 70, although I did change it to something else later on. Lastly, you need to make sure you position your design and that it fits in the 12 x12 piece of wood. What I did to make sure it fits is by making a circle of both x and y 11.8 and see if it fits.

Finally, you´re done with laser cutting the pieces for your box, and now you just need to put them together. To assemble them perfectly you need to follow these steps. The first, thing I did was gather the materials like wood glue, tissues, and of course, you need your laser-cut pieces of the box. Before you glue I advise you to put them together and see if the piece fits perfectly or not. If they do then you can start gluing them. When you start gluing make sure you apply a small drop of glue to the joints. After you put the glues in each joint that will connect, you should start putting them together. Also, make sure to wipe excess glue because it could get stuck and make your box look worse. Now you just wait for the glue to dry and wait around 30+ minutes.
Final Product

This laser-cutting box project was very educational and fun for me. I was able to create my own custom box that had my own personal touch to it. I hope this guides you to make your own boxes, whether you´re making them for gift, storage, or other purposes.