LED Nightlight and Laser Light Show Using 4017 and 555.

by blinkyblinky in Circuits > LEDs

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LED Nightlight and Laser Light Show Using 4017 and 555.

The title might be a bit misleading. The “Laser Light Show” part is not actual. There are no lasers in this project so calm yourselves.

I had nothing to do one day so, I decided to look through my Ramsey magazine for a cool project that I didn't have to buy the kit to build I found an LED chaser schematic and I googled it. There were about 199,000 results and the first one was the exact schematic I was looking for. It had everything from 3 volt astable multivibrators to LED flashers. The website link was http://www.qrp.pops.net/LEDs.asp. It had the Nite Rider chaser so, I built both. I built the one direction one according to the schematic.

At first I didn't follow the order of 3, 2, 4, 7, 10, 1, 5, 6, 9 and 11 causing the LEDs to flash out of sequence. After reorganizing them, they sequentially flashed. I tried all the other circuits. I needed a night light. I saw one at a local dollar store which seemed cool but I felt like I should build my own. I wanted randomized colors that weren't actually random and, the circuit I used was the LED light chaser.

Get the Parts

You will need:
  4017 decade counter
  555 timer
  16 pin IC socket
  8 pin IC socket
  2 0.01uF ceramic disc capacitors (103)
  Assorted values of potentiometers
  Assorted values of capacitors
  1k resistor
  10 LEDs or 3 RGB LEDs (common cathode!!!) and one regular water clear (what I used)
  2 2 point terminal blocks
  3 pins-breakaway headers ( I used these only for convenience. If compactness is not your goal then use a 3 pin terminal block)
  9 volt battery clip
  Female Cylindrical plug for other types of power (See image)
  Male 9 volt power adapter with male cylindrical plug.

If building nightlight part:
  SPDT toggle switch
  NPN transistor (I used 2N3904)
  150 ohm resistor
  Photocell (photo resistor but they are becoming uncommon...Check eBay!)


Build the Circuit

I built this circuit on a solderless breadboard first so values of parts could easily be switched. Follow the schematic. If you want try different LEDs and different orders for a random sequence.

Solder the Circuit

Fire up your soldering iron and solder using the schematic. You can use my images to get an IDEA of what it looks like and where the components go and how it should be but DON'T follow my exact connections because you might miss one or two and it might make your circuit explode.

Build a Diffuser.

You can leave it be or, take that old Ferrero Rocher box and sand the inside until it is perfectly translucent. I cut off part of the cover and sanded most but not all of it. That gave a awesome effect. In fact any thing that is translucent will work as long as it will not block out any color specifically.

Use It.


This is great for dazzling your friends at that disco party next week that you're in charge of. It is just fun to play around with it when you're bored or have got nothing to do.