Knitted Bow Headband

This was inspired by a headband I saw in a store. I thought it was a cute idea and it looked pretty easy to make. This is a great beginners knitting project and It's perfect for the winter!
What You Need

2 different color yarns
1 set of 8.0mm (No. 11) Knitting needles
1 set of 8.0mm (No. 11) Knitting needles

Using both of the types of yarn together, cast on 12 stitches. Treat the two individual pieces of yarn as one while knitting. If you don't know how to cast on, purl, knit, or cast off, check out this great instructable on it: carleyy's knitting instructions.
After casting on, purl one row, then knit the next row, and repeat this back and forth pattern. If your head is about as big as mine, you should stop knitting once your piece is about 17 inches long. To make sure the headband will fit, wrap the piece around your head to make sure that it is the right length.
Once the piece is the appropriate length, cast off.
After casting on, purl one row, then knit the next row, and repeat this back and forth pattern. If your head is about as big as mine, you should stop knitting once your piece is about 17 inches long. To make sure the headband will fit, wrap the piece around your head to make sure that it is the right length.
Once the piece is the appropriate length, cast off.

Connect the ends of your headband by sewing them together with a piece of yarn. Pull the yarn tight to gather the ends and tie a knot to make it stay in place. Cut off any extra yarn.
Knit Some More

Cast on 6 stitches. Do the same purl then knit pattern as before until you get a piece that is about 5" long. Cast off.

Cover the scrunched up portion of the headband (the part where the two ends connect) with the piece that was just knitted.
Sew the ends of that piece together with some yarn and tie it off. The sewed together part should be on the back of the headband. Cut off any loose pieces of yarn.
Sew the ends of that piece together with some yarn and tie it off. The sewed together part should be on the back of the headband. Cut off any loose pieces of yarn.

You're done!