Knife / Axe Target

by dreamberry in Workshop > Pallets

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Knife / Axe Target

throwing axe target.JPG
target jpg.jpg
Salvaged lumber and screws from a pallet crate.  Can be hung between two trees, mounted on uprights, or leaned against a pile of dirt. Log ends might make better targets, but we ain't got one of those.

8pcs. of  2x4    21"long
2pcs.  of 2x4    27"long
bottle of wood glue
approx. 30     2 5/8" screws
a paddle bit: mine's 3/4" I think

Use lots of glue.  The glue makes it all one solid piece. As an experiment, we tried leaving several boards unglued, and just used long screws, and it broke after only a few axe throws. Glue & screw one board to another, one at a time, or if you have long bar clamps, you could just clamp it up without screws. The first one we built, we put the long boards on the outsides. After a few hundred throws, we decided that the next ones we would put the longer boards in toward the middle, one space, due to the fact of the edge board  getting chewed up from our wild throws, and we feared for the hangy holes.  Drill the hangy holes in the ends of the longer boards and let the glue dry. Now learn to throw, for the zombie pockylips. 

AT YOUR OWN RISK do you throw weapons or allow others to do so in your presence. Don't come cryin' to me if you get hurt.  Many people choose to wear eye protection.  Boots might also be wise.  Gee, if I have to tell you this kinda stuff maybe you should just try bowling instead.