Kamado Sputink (kamado Keg)
by paolobertoncin in Cooking > BBQ & Grilling
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Kamado Sputink (kamado Keg)

I wish make a kamado BBQ, I already tried it using ceramik pot, really fragile, here my new work using 2 beer kegs lot of expanded clay, and lot of refractory mortar to obtain fire chamber really hard insulated

To make the "kamado sputnik" I used grinder, grinder disk cutting disk, 2 beer kegs, wire net, old computer hard disk, refractoy mortar, expanded clay welding, machine inox sheet and inox recyckled material (for example I reususe for the fire pit part of bee keg
Making the External Structure

two beer keg and other recycled material, I cut the keg then remove the base of the upper one the welding together
Making the Fire Pit Holder

I used the base of upper keg it hold the fire pit leaving around it a large passage for air
Making Hinge

simple folded sheet metal all mad using INOX 316 INOX 304 to made it I use a simple cardboard template
Insulation of Kamado Body

I use refractory mortar expanded clay and metal wire net to avoid crack then four day to dry the mortar before turn on the fire for firs time... then need four turn on the fire for 3 times to have the right curing of mortar
Making the Coverage

To made the coverage I used beer can aluminum sheet and waterproof resin
First Fire

The first fire first time of four to curing the mortar after 30 minutes the kamado reach 227 Celsius degree on the grid

180 degree C ° i max temperature at the first fire is OK to kook slow big piece of meat bu to low for other purposes so need a another aperture to take more air to increase air amount.
A use a inox pot 10cm diameter and make a valve with thin aluminum sheet (from beer can)
Charge with 1kg of charcoal after 15 minutes temperature was 314 C degree, after 20 minutes, 354 C degree enough for cooking pizza
Second Fire More Air Now

in 20 minutes reach 354 C degree good temperature for lot cooking techniques

perfect for a great picana steak and to gently smoke salmon