KISS Principle Tooth Paste

Having been hit with cancer twice (never give up) I looked at stuff I was using that was maybe Toxic, I remember looking for Deoderant which did not have Aluminium in it, at that time I only found one, but nowerdays seems they are everywhere. Then I decided to make my own. that was fun, quick and saved a few pennies. I then saw someone write an article called I think 7 Items I don´t buy anymore or similar. You might not save that much but I guess it is cool to see "oh I don´t buy that anymore I make it myself" So I decided to look into Toothpaste and of course after the KISS Principle, which if you have forgotten or don´t know is a term I lernt in the military Keep It Simple Stupid (If its simple but works its not stupid) So here is my method using (fairly) common ingridients and an easy manufacture.
2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Salt
2 Tablespoons Xylitol
2 Tablespoons Betonite Clay or Calcium Carbonate
2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
10 Drops Peppermint Essential oil
Extras if you want chocolate and/or Turmeric
Bowl, Whisk, Chopstick, old Toothpaste tube, Bulldog clip.
Mix Your Dry Ingridients
First off to your Ingriedents you are using Baking Soda (Kaiser Natron in German)aka: Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) NOT Wash Soda aka: Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) which will burn you if you use and is Toxic!!
As to Salt some say out of the sea is best some say from salt mine etc., My thoughts are, there is a lot of chemicals/Toxins in the sea these days, probably not in the dead sea or somewhere like Himalaya, maybe less in a salt mine.....
You can use Betonite Clay (which you see in a lot of cosmetics) is a thickener and abrasive or you can use
Calcium Carbonate which you can buy or make from yourself from Egg shells (maybe I will show a KISS principle for that) Xylitol is a natural sugar which can be extracted from various things likr Birch tree, although it is a sugar it has a positive working on the chemistry of the mouth flora and digestion.
Peppermint gives it a better taste and has an anti-microble working but you could use others such as Teatree oil
Finally the Extras, dark chocolate also has a postive working when used in the Toothpaste, and Turmeric is a natural whitener!!!
OK now to Step 1.
Easy, put all your dry ingridients in a bowl and mix wit your chop stick or whatever
Mix Your Wet Stuff

Again this is easy, and a photo of the peppermint oil which I missed on the Ingriedients photo
I used the chopstick and later used a whisk to make the mix smoother...
Recycle You(r) Tube

When you have done the mixing you can get your old toothpaste tube and cut the end off, open and clean out if you want, using a spoon "Fill er up" leaving a bit of space at the end so you can turn a fold in the tube and put your clip on the end (use a quiet strong/stable one, as the first clip in the picture broke and I changed it) If you have any over you can put in a small container and use that first. When storing I found it better to stand the tube on its head because the liquid might seep out so make sure you use a tube with a wide cap!
In the first photo you might notice that there was two lots of Baking Soda (Natron/kaiser Natron) on the one side it is a lot cheaper to buy a 5kg Bucket in the long run than single packets, also Baking Soda is really amazing for a lot of uses in the home and if you are the survival/prepper/self helper then it really is good to store just in case..
Well I hope you enjoy this, stay safe, till next time