KISS Principle Cheese

by antonius in Cooking > Breakfast

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KISS Principle Cheese


I know there are lots of recipes for Cheese, and I wanted to try one, but I wanted my cheese now and not

after a while so here is my down and dirty KISS Principle Cheese and it is so easy peasy!


1 Liter (1 Quart) Milk (in the original recipe it was Goats milk, I used fresh Grass fed milk)

1 Cup of Vinegar or Lemon Juice ( I used 1 cup 1/2 & 1/2)

Flavouring: I used Salt Pepper, Chives and Ramsons/wild Garlic.

Sauce pan


Cheese cloth


Turn the Heat On


Put your Milk in a sauce pan and heat it up to about 82°c (180°f)

you want it to Foam up a bit at the sides and not boil up.

Mix Your Juice


You can use a cup of vinegar or a cup of Lemon.

I used a cup of 1/2 Lemon and 1/2 vinegar (I´ll talk about this later)

Mix Your Mix


When the milk starts to foam up turn off the heat (I left it on the hot ring) then add your

cup of Lemon/vinegar and give it a good stir, then leave it for 10 minutes

Prepare Your Flavourings


You could at this point prepare your flavourings, or later in a coming step.

I used a plastic box which I will use later to store.

I just put in a pinch of salt and dash of pepper. Then I used a pair of Scissors and cut the chives and leaves of Wild Garlic (Ramsons) into small pieces.

This I gave a good mixing up in the box.

Hang Em Up to Dry!


After 10 minutes the Milk should have Cured and you now line a sieve with 2 layers of Cheese-cloth.

Put the sieve in the sink and pour the contents of the sauce pan into it.

You can then draw the cheese cloth together give it a press and hang it up to dry with a cord.

I left it for about an hour.

Flavour Your Cheese


After an hour or so open up the cheese cloth and you see a kind of cottage cheese, add your Flavouring

to it, mix it up good.

I then put it in a box to store in the fridge. You should use it within four days.


I found it worked great, you could use any flavour you want like Chille, or Bell Peppers (Paprikas)

or any other.

I don´t know if it has to do with the milk or not but after about 3-4 days the vinegar taste was quiet strong.

Maybe the Goats milk would cancel out the vinegar taste I don´t know, maybe it would have tasted different with

just Lemon juice? Other Cheese is made with Renet but the process is longer as far as I know.

Sometime in the future I´ll give it a try but for the first I wanted something quick to try.

I would be interested in your thoughts or if you try it and did you improve on the recepie.