James Devlin Project
This is my gym design for the James Devlin competition. In this Instructable I'm going to be going over my design process, which includes my inspiration, brain storming, modeling process.
Step 1: Understanding the Problem

This part of the project was for getting myself familiar with the project and the basics of what I was going to do.
- The first thing I did was go to this website. I read all the information a few times and watched the videos that were on the website. Once that was done I had found out basic information like the area this gym was gonna be in, the basics that James Devlin needed in the gym and also some things he thought would be cool.
- After the first day, I watched a zoom video between James Devlin and some designers. This video was about an hour long and it helped with brainstorming. It also helped me build off some Ideas that the designers had.
These two steps were pretty much all I needed to get pretty familiar for what I was going to need to do for the project. This step only took about two days and probably was the easiest step out of all the other ones.
Step 2: Research

During this process I did some research on a variety of different random topics that you would need in a gym.
- During this process I did some mini activities that helped me with some basic ideas that I could research. For this process I re watched some of the videos I watched earlier in the process. This was helpful because as I watched the video I wrote down some ideas that I could research later.
- After this step I researched some topics like pools, lot space, plumbing, gym size and more. For the pool I researched If you had to have an Olympic sized swimming pool (You don't), I researched the amount of lot space in downtown Philadelphia is used for variety of small business (Around 22 million square feet). For plumbing I researched where the best space for a plumbing system was (Near Restrooms but not too close to the pool in case of leaks). I also researched about the average gym size, which for a multipurpose fitness facility, is 70,368 sq ft. This research was very helpful when I was trying to figure out the size I wanted the different rooms to be.
This process was the most difficult probably because I was looking for very specific things and I had to click on multiple different weird websites that I've never heard of before to find the answer that I wanted to find. This was also probably the step that felt the longest because I had to sit on my computer scrolling aimlessly through websites that I really didn't want to.
Step 3: Brainstorming
This part of the design process is one of the biggest ones I think. I did multiple little activities and lots of research for this step.
- I did a word cloud. Which mean I made a bunch of words that were related to the project in a random shape, hoping that by looking at it I could generate some ideas. For this activity some of the words I had were; convenient, innovate, Covid, rehab, teaching, aquatics, and some more.
- Then I did some sketches of some very basic Ideas, hoping that I could build off of that first sketch. The first sketch was about 250 by 200 ft ( which I realize now is an insane length) it had a rehab center, a kids center a welcome desk, a workout center, an education center, an indoor and an outdoor pool,staff breakroom and bathroom and a staff kitchen on the upstairs. After That I realized that I was being very ambitious and didn't have very many things that were an essential to the gym space. My second sketch was a lot shorter, 175 by 140. It had workout room, rehab, education center, basketball court, workout class room (yoga and calisthenics) hot tubs an locker rooms. So a significantly less amount of space with less rooms.
- While making my sketches I had to take into account some of the research I had done. Using my research I had to try and use some of the information I found, and include it into my sketch.
This process was probably the most fun. It was fun because I got to do some activities that required creativity, I got to learn a bit more about 3D modeling, and I got to create a sketch based off of what I thought would be cool
Step 4: Make a Model

This part was definitely the most fun part by far. It was also probably the most difficult one because I had to learn all about a new tool, and a new skill that I knew absolutely knew nothing about. In my model I had 11 rooms for 11 different purposes.
- My first room was the plumbing room which obviously was used for plumbing. This room would be 20 by 30
- My second was rehabilitation center. That would be used for rehabilitation, and recovery workouts. There would be physical therapists and some check up rooms. The room was 30 by 45
- The third room was the kids center. It was a 30 by 30 space. One or two of the walls would be chalk so the kids could draw. There would be coloring books and a space to play mini games. This Rooms purpose would be for parents to drop their little ones off if they didn't have a place to bring their kids before coming to the gym.
- My fourth room would be a 25 by 20 unit girls locker room. It would have stalls, a few showers and lockers.
- My fifth room is the workout space. This room would be 110 by 75. It would have some treadmills, elliptical, rowers, a few bench press/squat, pull up rack and probably a space with rollers, yoga mats, medicine balls, and yoga balls. This would be the alpha of the gym.
- My sixth room is the boys locker room. This room is also 25 by 20 room with some urinals, stalls, and lockers.
- My seventh room is the workout class room. This is a 30 by 30 room. There would be a mirror long with a bar for dancing. There would be a certain amount of mats and light weights for yoga or Pilates. This space could be used for like a gym beginners dance class. There could be Pilates, yoga, cycling classes, zumba, etc.
- My eighth room would function as a class room. This room would be 30 by 30. It could be used for interviews, and training. It could also have some computers and the older kids that go there could go to the computer and play video games. It could also have a refrigerator for staff to put food. It could be used to do different classes like cpr classes, learning to use fitness equipment etc.
- The ninth room is a mini basketball gym. It's a 45 by 30 room. It would have probably have not a full size NBA court but probably closer to a high school. You could put a volleyball net and play volleyball. The gym could be a place where the kids care could go and play. It could be used as a place for gymnastics.
- My tenth room is the pool. It's a 75 by 40. It would have a pool with a shallow end and a deep end. You would have to take a test to be able to swim in the deep end. There could be a diving board and maybe even a slide. It could be used for swimming classes, pool exercises for maybe the older folks.
- The 11th room is a 20 by 40 room. This room would be a sauna and hot tub. This room would be used for people if they want to go warm up from the pool, or maybe go relax after your workout.
- There is also a tiny field in the back that summer camps in the summer could be held, maybe some barbecues.
Step 5: Improving My Design
This step was used for improving my original 3D model. In this step I had a lot of improving to do because I didn't make a very good sketch the first time. My first sketch had 15 rooms and had a much larger base with a useless upper level that was of no use. For my second sketch I took my research more into account and made a huge improvement. A much smaller base with no useless upstairs. In my first sketch there were also some pretty pointless rooms. The hot tub and Sauna were separate. There were two different bathrooms and locker rooms. There was also two pools indoor and outdoor. There was a staff bathroom, a staff lounge, and a staff kitchen. For my second sketch I removed all of the staff stuff and made one dedicated room that could help with all of the staff needs while functioning as a different area. I also removed the outdoor aquatics and made it into a basketball court/ volleyball court. I made the Hot tub and Sauna into one room, and then I made the locker room an all in one bathroom and locker room and I put it closer to the pool so it's more convenient.
Step Six: the Final Product