Ipad 3D Viewer

by JamesPhoto in Craft > Photography

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Ipad 3D Viewer

3D Viewer Complete.jpg
Why an Ipad 3D viewer?

• Ipad is portable, high enough resolution for high quality 3D
• The Loreo Pixie viewer works well, but most people don't like the rubber ear bands
• Commercial screen viewers work, but you have to hold them to your head or they are expensive
• This viewer is cheap enough to make and hand out to your friends as gifts
• This will also work on any computer screen
• You should be 2 feet back and have a 10 - 15 inch picture.

Step 1 - Buy the Parts You Need

Parts Single Set.jpg
Pixie Viewer.jpg
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• A - Loreo Pixi 3d viewer [ $ 2.49 ]
   I suggest that you buy more than one, these are not locally available
• Buy it here: http://www.berezin.com/shop/388P
• B - Project Enclosure [ Plastic Box ] [ $ 3.99 ]
• Buy it here: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062281
• C - Plastic Glass Frame - Preferably with a Flat Lens Area [ Free ]
• I found mine at the local Movie Theater when I watched the last 3D movie
• D - Superglue, One small Metal Bolt, Matt Black Paper [ Free - I had it lying around ]
• Total Cost: $ 6.48
Tools: You will need some tools to cut plastic, a drill would make starting the cutouts easier

Step 2 - Preparing the Frame

Frames Prepped.jpg
• Pop out the polarizing plastic lenses.
• Drill a small hole the size of the bolt in the bridge of the glasses [ See Picture ]

Step 3 - Dismantling the Pixie Viewer

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Viewer Templates.jpg
• Open the Pixie Viewer at the glued seam at the bottom. Cut it apart with a scissors, don't rip it apart as we will need the Pixie viewer cardboard as a template.
• Carefully remove the two plastic prisms, while taking care not to scratch the plastic prisms.

Step 4- Measuring and Cutting Prism Box

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Cutouts Done.jpg
View From This Side.jpg
• Using the Pixie Viewer as a template to measure out the holes for the prisms and the alignment cutouts.
• The dimensions on the side with just cutouts [ not prisms ] need to be very accurate.
• The cutouts for the prisms need to 20 mm by 20  mm so the prisms will fit well. This considerably larger than the Pixie viewer template, but the prism location is not very critical, so you can enlarge the pixie template holes to fit the prisms. See the suggested location on the graphic.
• You will also need to cut out the area for your nose out of the prism box, once again use the Pixie viewer as a template.

Step 5 - Final Assembly

Frame Attached.jpg
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• Drill a hole in between the prisms so as to locate the box at eye level. This might take some figuring out, but I found higher location on the frame to be better as you can always slide the frame down on your nose for perfect positioning.
• Screw the prism box onto the frame and glue it in place as well. Screw on the bottom of the prism box.
• CRITICAL STEP 1:Glue the prisms into the prism box, with the narrow edges pointing to the middle of the box. See picture.
• CRITIAL STEP 2:  Put glue on the cutout edges and place the prisms in place so you don't get glue on the prisms faces

Step 6 - Using the Viewer

Three Different Viewers.jpg
Stereo Pair -4 Viewers.jpg
• A - You will need an Ipad
• B - You will need to gather some Stereo Picture Pairs off the internet [ Free ] or
• C - Make your own using the Cha-Cha method [ Free ] or
• D - Use this Ipad App 3D Camera Studio [ $ 3.99]
• E - Use a Loreo Lens in Cap [ ± $ 100 ] - http://www.berezin.com/3d/3d_lens.htm#3/4
• Load the Pictures on your Ipad, hold it at an arm's length and ENJOY
• The Picture shows different viewers I built, but the larger boxes are the best as it does not have internal reflections
• One Stereo Picture attached

Other Viewers

Small Enclosure.jpg
Before anyone asks about the viewers built with smaller enclosures, I will answer the question.
Why not use smaller enclosures? 
They are really hard to make the Prims fit, and the internal refleactions of light make them less friendly to use.
It took me just as long to cut and fit one small enclosure at it took for three large one's, and it does not even work well

Before You Ask - Where Do I Get Pictures?

Stereo Pair -4 Viewers.jpg
And a last pre-emptive answer. Where do I find Stereo Pairs to View
I would suggest searching for stereo pairs with your favourite search engine or
Make your own with the cha-cha method described here:
Hope this helps.