Sudden Pop of Joy (In a Box)

Hey momoluvers! It's Momo and today I'll be showing you how to make this super unique and cute gift for Val day! The idea is based off of an etsy listing but all of the templates shown are my original creation. Let me know if y'all want more Valentines Day ideas in the comments below! Enjoy

1. Templates above
2. Scissors
3. Glue stick

Cut out YOU SPARKLE label, blue watercolor box, box sleeve, mason jar, red joy label, and two small strips.
Assemble the box and sleeve as shown above
Glue the red joy label onto the front of the sleeve
Accordion fold the small white strips and glue one side to the YOU SPARKLE label and the other to the box.
Attach the mason jar
...To the Moon and Back

Cut out the mountain box, box sleeve, small mountain attachment, light blue joy label, small white strips, and to the moon and back label.
Assemble the box and glue the joy label to the front
Attach the mountain by glueing the white tab to the bottom
Attach to the moon and back label with accordion tab method
Keep Growing.

Cut out flower box, box sleeve, keep growing label, yellow joy label, and white strips.
Assemble the box and glue the joy label to the front
Attach the keep growing label with the accordion tab method
Up, Up, and Away.

Cut out balloon box, box sleeve, up, up, and away label, and bronze joy label.
Assemble the box and glue the joy label to the front
Attach up, up, and away label to the side of the box with a small tab.
You Look Lovely Today!

Cut out the tumblr items box, box sleeve, dark pink joy label, Starbucks cup, you look lovely today label, and small white strips.
Assemble the box and attach the joy label to the front
Assemble the Starbucks cup and attach it to the bottom
Attach you look lovely today label to the box with the accordion method

Cut out sparkly watercolor box, box sleeve, dark blue joy label, three or four clouds, journey label, and row row row your boat paper.
Assemble the box and attach the joy label to the front
Attach the journey label to the box using the accordion method
Use poem sheet and assemble an origami boat with the directions above (not my photo)
Attach the boat to the bottom of the box. Along with three or four clouds

Finished! These are a few choices that I came up with and love so much! These templates are my own creation, but the idea was based off of an etsy listing. I really liked the idea and wanted to create some you guys can make yourselves for free! Let me know if you way more Val day tutorials;
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