Illustrious Art With Tinfoil

Illustrious art are meant to explain a concept or a scene with object based paper formats rather than painting methods.
So lets learn to one of that kind with this tutorial.

Cardboard - A4 size in landscape
Color chart papers
Acrylic colours
Parchment paper or tinfoil
Prepare the Board, With Paint

We shall prepare the board painted at the center in a square shape with black acrylic paint.
Please do have a look at the video, for the method i used for painting. Rather than making the paint in a usual way, i used this method to get textured look to the board.
Layering the Board

Now, lets add layers to the board with thin cardboard strips so that the chart papers we paste on it will be in a raised position like one on top of the other to get a
Adding Up Layers, for Each Level Up

For every layer increase, we shall more board strips so that the upper layer is raised more than the lower.
So for the second layer i pasted two board strips; for the third later i pasted three board strips and so on.
Prepare Stencils for the Sky Layers

For the clouds to be seen as layers, i plan to use chart papers of varied colors(or use acrylic paints over the white chart paper). In order to prepare the stencils for the initial inner layer i draw the lines and slice out the papers with cutter.
And for the next to next layers, i used the smaller layer and draw the curves, little bigger outline to the previous layer. Thats how i stacked the layers of the sky.
Adding Colors to the Sky Layers

I used acrylic color combination - turquoise + black + ultramarine blue + grey(more white + less black) for the second inner layer and for the rest of the layers i used color charts and individual colors.
Arranging the Sky Layers

Below are the layers arranged:
Layer 1 - Black
Layer 2 - Turquoise combination
Layer 3 - Yellow
Layer 4 - Light violet
Layer 5 - Sky blue
Layer 6 - Black
Adding Other Objects - Astronaut

For the astronaut, i draw the outline on to a white chart paper and snip out.
Added white and metallic silver combination to the suit.
Black, Light green and red are other color used to add more details to the astronaut suit.
In order to fix the astronaut to the board, i used cardboard strips so that the astronaut is raised a bit.
Adding Other Objects - Falling/Shooting Star

For the shooting star i used tin foil as a thin strand and the star as a diamond shaped tin foil piece. And particularly i used less amount of glue with the help of nib of pen.
I used Tweezers to crush at the end of the strand to represent a tail structure.
Glittering Stars, With Tin Foil

I took sometime to cut the tin foil to fine small pieces. With the help of pen nib, i applied glue to the board and placed the tinfoil pieces across the outer black coloured layer.
Moon, Mars, Earth and Sun

Moon - Yellow chart paper painted with ivory and shaded with grey.
Mars - Red chart paper shaded with orange
Earth - Blue chart paper, shaded with ultramarine blue with paint brush. For the green part, i crushed tinfoil and applied dark green with it.
Adding Other Objects - Space Shuttle

With white chart paper, i pasted tinfoil strip and added coloured to it.
Adding Other Objects - Satellite

I used tinfoil strip wrapped to white cardboard pieces.
Addition of a Serious Fun Part :)

Finally, the Night Sky Illustrious Art Is Ready!