How to Look Good.

by killerjackalope in Living > Beauty

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How to Look Good.

Looking good, being purdy... No wonder this was a burning question from the last round, it's something everyone would like to do, but if everyone looked amazing all the time that'd be the norm and then people would raise the standards to points where if someone from now were shot to their time they'd wet themselves with glee...

Also from yours truly, how to be attractive

Lets hope these pretty future people have time machines and a strange nostalgia for our days, plus to make it happen we all have to start looking good, read on for the good of our kind! had this to say on the matter of most beautiful woman in the world, below, Letitia Casta, followed by Pamela Anderson and then Elle MacPherson...

How Would I Go About That Anyway?

Well now, we're going to go through lots of things, there's a lot of effort goes in to looking good for some, others it just comes to them naturally...

Really the work's not that big it's just little things really and doing the odd bit of thinking, thankfully for those that are naturally good looking they don't have to think about it, dumb and pretty... You know...

Anyway on we go, but just to warn you, this instructable has a section on hats!

Now the best looking guy in the world is a much more convoluted topic for some reason, there are huge numbers of different answers so I simply had to go with a few names that popped up constantly...

Johnny Depp was never far off top... Neither was Brad Pitt Jake Gyllenhall

you know it's surprisingly hard to get an image of this lot, most of them are saleable wallpapers so they take up the most links and can't be gotten directly to...

There was one more person that appeared in every list... Me...

Taking Care Of...

Yourself, surprisingly...

You're not likely to look good when you're a bit rough so:

Take good care of your skin, wash it and be nice to it. this applies greatly as a teenager as you get spots and preventing them from appearing is a great idea for both the present and future when all those little scars show...

Keep your teeth clean! This is important because it does a lot for you, a big yellow smile wont be breaking many hearts, just the odd mirror. Also having false teeth and missing ones isn't doing you favours, consider this a preventative measure against just that. Plus it's much easier not to have nasty breath when you brush your teeth regularly, now that's not a looks issue but it damn well counts when you go in for the kill!

Finger nails, this is important, girls either go for nice clean and simple or keep your polish nice and pretty, don't pick at it. Lads, keep them short and keep them clean, trust me it's noticed. Don't bite your nails and fingers either, it's not good for them and it doesn't leave a good look, plus it's not that nice to watch.

Hair, hair... We'll get in to this more later but keep it washed and free of greasiness and flakes, use your head and shoulder if you need to and keep it washed and for the extra points make sure it smells nice, girls love that and so do guys, which brings me nicely to the next point.

Keep the rest washed! Body Odour or your "natural musk" is generally not acceptable as a fragrance, so wash up and keep yourself clean, try not to have grime all over you or reminders half way up your arm, unless they are particularly interesting in which case they may be a suitable talking point as long as they are gone within 16 hours of writing... You have a bit more lenience with stamps from club entries etc. since everyone knows they might as well be primitive tattoos with that insane indelible ink...

Facial Hair! Lads if it's fluffy it's gone okay? Trust me you're better off that way than with the bumfluff, unless you happen to be able to pull off the facial styling you have just lop it off because it may not be doing you any favours and if you must keep some facial hair pick a style that avoids patchy areas etc. for those that have the option of growing a beard and not looking like a crazy person, keep it clean and food free, same for moustaches and if you somehow get food in burns or mutton chops then go home and work on your motor skills. also one other point about this stuff, some girls despise stubble and others love it so you'll have to try and second guess that, usually clean shaven is the best guess to start with... Girls facial hair is considered a faux pas... Don't worry you can put cream on it or bleach it or whatever takes your fancy.

Other things to think about, don't pick cuts, it's not sexy to arrive bleeding...

Hair Hair Hair...

Hair is definitely important to your looks, it shapes and frames your face, shows personality and style preferences and can make you look unbelievable or awful...

So guys: Do you know what kind of hair you want? It's a starting point, some guys have long hair and few can pull it off, the main reason is thickness, when it's thick enough to look like a proud lion's mane it'll pretty much work invariably, also how your head is shaped is an important factor for that and many haircuts, ears included in this bit... Now don't just allow long hair to grow, it will need the odd trim and shaping otherwise it just looks like a small mammals preferred nesting habitat...

For shorter hair you have decisions to make, there are a lot of styles and generally going with your own is good as long as it suits you well and it's not too outlandish. If you're getting a neat cut keep it neat, don't suddenly try and make it messy, so choose carefully and try and find hair that really suits you and makes you look good.

Girls you have even more choice and it's complicated choosing, do you want a fringe? Now how would you look with a fringe, it's just those big heavy fringes that have become more popular just aren't for everyone and make some girls look foolish, if it works well then that's wonderful but if not avoid... How much hair do you want? if it's reasonably long then take the time to get it cut incrementally so you don't miss the mark and have hair that's too short for a long while, ask your friends honest opinions and go through it with your stylist, don't ask significant others etc. they'll lie, if you dare ask why it's because you trained us to...

Bottom line for everyone is that it's not all that easy but finding a hairstyle that really suits you and looks like you want it to is the thing to do...

Now colour is a different story... Extremes tend to be very hit or miss, always check what you would look like before committing to them...

Here are a few points about colouring hair...

- Reds will make skin look paler and so should be used with a tan/dark skin or to make very pale china doll skin look even more white
- Blondes work well with a tan or with paler skin, however platinum blonde, almost white is a bit risky and rarely looks amazing...
- Pure black hair will make you look a little paler and is usually a bit of a miss if it's all just black, unless that would be what you were going for exactly...
- Blues are a bit hit or miss along with greens and yellows, purples fall closely to reds
- Brown hair rarely goes very wrong, it's a natural colour and depending on shade can be good for anyone...
- Errr, I may have to update this little bit on colours...

Just a few hairstyles out of the hat, perhaps a bit OTT in some cases...

Fakery and the Like...

Well this one's mostly for the girls because I'm not a dude that wears make-up, those that do read on in comfort, I don't despise you... But the badgers... Oh how I despise them...

Now starting with the basics here...

Lips, don't go overboard with the lipstick or gloss, I mean pretty lips are a good thing but no fluorescent nightcrawler lips in fact guys are generally attracted to shiny things, gloss might be the winner here...

For your eyes choose carefully, either go with a little bit of make up or if you want shadow then choose something other than your eye colour, for example a light brown or darker brown will bring out blue eyes and make them look very blue and very nice, with brown eyes you'd head towards blues and greens, do you see where that one's going.

Other make-up, be careful here, this is where going overboard can start, now fake tan is one thing that's popular but for the love of god! don't get tango'd there is no need to be the colour of a clementine and have big smudges on shirt collars etc. it's not that attractive, a little bit to bring some glow to your skin, sure why not? If you do feel the need to get a tan for real then remember to use sun screen, it doesn't impeded your tanning abilities after a few minutes and lets you safely enjoy the sun for much longer without getting burnt or skin cancer and premature ageing...


So clothes again are about finding a suiting style, however they do more than that...

Clothes are a great way of covering up or accentuating good and bad body features...

For example you get buff shirts, T-shirts that are 90% of the time too tight and pretty much there only to pick out every detail on your ripped body... Alternatively you can buy a shirt with a looser fit to smooth the belly out a little...

I for example have one major issue... My ass is disproportionately huge compared to the rest of me, this makes many jeans and trousers uncomfy, so by wearing my jeans lower it bridges the gap somewhat and they no longer creep north until I realize my belt is itching my armpits...

How you wear a garment obviously affects how it works with you, how you size it up does too, if you get a bigger one it can drown you and has the effect of making you look littler, baggy trousers included there... having a short skirt and high heels makes legs look longer, rolling shirt sleeves up to just below the elbows can really improve the look of someone in a shirt because having buttoned cuffs not only looks a bit odd but also makes you move oddly...

Really making it all work together is important, ask a girl who is always well dressed to help, sometimes shop attendants are great help though only at stores where they're not paid by commissions otherwise they'll be telling you the pricier one makes you look like a Venus/Adonis...

More clothes you say?

Clothes at the Right Time...

One more important thing about clothes is to know when to wear them, for example if you go on a big night out, it's probably advisable to tidy and smarten up a bit in comparison to your slobbing around the house clothes...

Oh and for the love of god, even to the damn shop don't dare wear the dressing gown and slippers, and unless your pajamas are very very smart or stylish it's no on them too, why you ask? Why? Because it doesn't make you look good, in fact it makes you look like a bleeding eejit!

OK the likes of dates and all that jazz, I'll use them as examples since you should have gotten the clean and respectable bit drilled in to your head about them anyway...

Say you're going out to really fancy restaurant, well that means it's a no on the trainers/sneakers, get yourself a bit of style going, trousers shirt and a nice jacket will probably do unless it has a no shirt no shoes no tie no service policy and I have seen the existence of these...

As for kicking about just going to the cinema and all, the ubiquitous jeans may come out and maybe a shirt'll finish it off, see where I'm going with this really is that lads, that smartish casualish look tends to work well for a lot of things and it can easily be made to look pretty damn good on anybody...

Now here's the thing when it comes to girls you have a lot more to think about because you have more freedom, you can go all classy, casual or if you're that way inclined you can hike the skirt up, put on the heels and an excuse for a top...

Basically the thing I mean to get at here is you have huge freedoms in what you wear for many things, take the time to make whatever outfit you wear work well and look good, try to avoid colours that fluoresce on ocean floors and lairy stuff, a bit of class and a bit of sex appeal are better than just baring all, OK? When you're out clubbing go ahead but not all the time, mystery and challenges work better wee insight to the male psyche for ya there?

Jewellery Etc.

This is important as well, the right little bits of jewellery can really make or break an outfit or ensemble...

So things ot think about, too much gold, definite no no, you can use the rapper scale to compare yourself to get a elvel of how overboard you've went, if it's gold you're fond of then a few little bits of gold go a long way.

Silver is simpler and less gaudy and you can get away with a little more but bottom line is you shouldn't jingle when you move, a few simple bits and pieces are far better than running around like a cross between a senile gypsy and a voodoo lady...

Remember keep it simple, if you wear a big bangle or bracelet then don't wear more than one bracelet on that arm, otherwise it may slowly topple you as they clink and clank together...

Please just say no to giant gold hoop earrings, they're chavvy and generally a bad choice practically and they can be beat by a nice pair of small danglers or some little silvers ones on most occasions because they don't fit with anything at all...

Please note here that with different skin colours the colours of jewellery can change, without being racist those with dark skin can wear gold more easily as it is more pleasing to the eye in combination with their skin tone, where as paler people should steer clear, gold will accentuate the lack of colour where silver is reasonably neutral on colour...

Hats. and Shoes?

By gum are hats an underused garment these days, it annoys me because you know what, a well suited hat will make anyone look that bit more amazing, plus since it's an underused garment you get the chance to be distinctive without being ridiculous, now have a look at this piece of genius, thankyou stinkymum, it needed to be written...

How to pick a Hat that looks good on you!

The thing is that hats can do a lot for people, not just in the face and hair departments but also they have the capacity to make you look taller or smaller or smarter or cooler...

There is not one garment that can do such a thing not even the mighty shoe!

Actually come to think of it shoes can do just that, they are excellent tools, they depict a lot about us, I personally like to wear a pair of well polished boots most of the time, they pass as shoes when needed and also feel comfortable.

Those that wear glowing trainers probably do so after having ingested the chemicals that makes them glow and fluoresce... Trainers aren't a half bad casual choice but more and more they are falling out in favour of all kinds of shoes, fancy ones stylish ones, soft ones, pointy ones...

People have diversified the shoe markets for both sexes even more lately, especially for men and its good, people now have choice and there is less repetition, plus it gives you more options to set off and compliment your outfit in style and comfort...

Picking shoes is relatively easy, as long as you like it, it doesn't glow in the dark and it's of reasonable practical design it should work...

Your Body...

Now most people have problems with their body and complain about their build...

Well here is some stuff to help work stuff out, now this is coming from someone with what's best described as a slightly schizophrenic build...

So you're a shorter guy and you're a bit lumpy on it... Got a wide build, why not burn off a good bit of the belly and tank out a bit, not to body-builder amounts or anything but just a bit, the muscle will help keep the fat off and that way you'll look more substantial to people...

So you're tall with the belly, again losing the belly is the big plan here, however you can get away with a bit when you're taller, keeping a good posture will help out with the way you look while standing around and walking and will make you stand tall and proud not a morning glory joke!

You're too skinny for your liking? Well then maybe it's time to hit the gym and get yourself buffed up a bit, or you could eat all the pies...

Girls, you want to lose weight or gain it or whatever well:

- OK, healthy eating and exercise, do not, I repeat do not believe any internet ad or otherwise about crazy plans to remove fat from one area, that's not how it works, you lose it from everywhere at once...
- You want your boobs to be perkier? well a combination of a decent bra and helping the muscles in that area will make them sit up a bit more...
- You want rid of some flab? Maybe take up cycling, dancing classes something that you'll enjoy and is good exercise..
- Want to be a bit more toned? maybe the likes of yoga or swimming will help, yoga is well recommended as an enjoyable and gentle exercise that helps balance, tone and the like.
- Want to get nicer legs, maybe cycling or jogging, granted I am fairly against jogging and running as it's bad for the knees, swimming and dancing also help your legs a lot.
- Realize you can play notes on your ribs? well maybe it's time that you started eating something other than rice cakes, try a healthy and normal diet and you won't explode when you start eating more sensibly.

The thing that strikes me is that many people hate one bit of themselves but as a whole any person who fits together nicely will always be greater than the sum of their parts...

So Looking Good?

What is looking good all about anyway, well attracting mates for a start...

Really to look good finding things that fit with you and accentuate the best things about you, taking care of yourself and putting the effort in to making sure you look good...

Really that's what I have to say, if you have any additions, suggestions or criticisms then please tell me, I'd like to hear them...

Hopefully comparable to those to by now, for a laugh look at the thumbnails, it looks like johnny depp's staring at laetetia casta...