How to Carve a Sword

How to carve a woodensword from a pole of greenwood. Using only simple tools.
The Tools

This is the only tools you need.
The Pole

I cut this tree to make spoons from the thick part of the log. I have already showed how to make a spoon here Viking spoon
But the thin part of the tree don't have to go to waste. Here I show you how to carve a sword from the top of the tree.
But the thin part of the tree don't have to go to waste. Here I show you how to carve a sword from the top of the tree.
The Rough Carving

I use my axe for most of the shaping. You can carve all the steps where I use the saw with the axe. But it is much more easy to do it with the saw. That way your sure that the cuts are straight.
The Fine Carving

When the sword have the rough shape I use the knife to finish the carving.