How to Wakeboard

To wakeboard, you need to get all your supplies and bring them to a cable park where u can successfully take off, glide on the water, and make the turns to complete the circuit.
Gather all the needed equipment including life jacket, helmet, and of course, wakeboard and wakeboard boots.
Cable Park

Head over to the Cable Park of your choice with all previously stated materials. Purchase tickets and walk up to the dock.
Getting Prepared for Takeoff

Put on Wakeboard boots and tighten firmly. Sit on the edge of the dock while placing wakeboard in the water in front of you.
Normal or Goofy Foot?

Decide which foot you are going to put forward while on the move. Go with whatever feels more natural.
Get Ready

Grab handle from the person running the cable and hold to hip. If left foot forward, hold to left hip. If right foot forward, hold to right hip.
Standing Up

As the rope comes around the cable, tighten your core and let it pull you slowly. Don’t let it yank you forward. Slowly unbend arms and stand up, but keep knees slightly bent.
On the Go

Slightly raise whichever foot you want forward, so it is out of the water and the knee is bent. Do not put any pressure down on this foot/keep above water at all times.
Making the Turns

Once you are on the water, get a feeling for edging in and out by leaning with your body. As you are coming to the turn, edge out to the buoys and go between them.