How to Use a Nitro Rc Car

this instructable is for when you found a old nitro rc car and you don't no what to do to get it running
1 nitro rc car fuel you can tell if it is the right 1 sins it should be pink 2 rc car charcher 3 glow starter 4 the cars battery charcher adapter and the glow starter adapter
the 1 thing you need to do is charch the battery and the glow starter then you need to put the fuel in the tank then you need to put your finger on the end of the exhaust and pull the pull starter 5 times next you need to tern on the car and controller

then put the glow starter on the glow plug which is in that hole aboth then start pulling the pull starter when it starts you then take the pull starter out and then with the controller if you pull the trigger the car will go forward if you pull it the other way at will slow down if it stopes check if it has 1 out of fuel put some more in it and repeat step 2 use the tire on the controller to steer