How to Strip a Painted Table and Re-finish It
by hedwa346 in Workshop > Furniture
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How to Strip a Painted Table and Re-finish It

This Instructable gives step by step directions on how to remove paint from a wooden coffee table and then stain the stripped, or bare, table.

Clorox Wipes
Latex Gloves
Paper Towels
Premium Stripper (Paint remover)
Paint Brush
Plastic Scraper
Course-grain Sand Paper
Medium-grain Sand Paper
Fine-grain Sand Paper
Wood Finish Stain
Stain Mitt
Clean Surface

First, the table should be taken outside and the table top surface needs to be wiped thoroughly with Clorox Wipes to remove and grime and sticky substances.
Paint Removal Pt1

Next, pour a generous, or heavy, amount of Premium Stripper onto the table top. Try to distribute the liquid evenly across the table top. Use the paint brush to spread the Premium Stripper so that the entire table top has a thick coat on it.
Paint Removal Pt2
Let the Premium Stripper sit for at least 15 minutes. You should see the paint bubbling up. Then, take the plastic scrapper and scrape the paint in the same direction as the grain of the wood.
Paint Removal Pt3

Repeat Steps 2-3 until all the paint that can come off is gone. This will probably require 2-3 tries.
Course-grain Sanding
Now, attach a course-grain piece of sand paper to a sander. Apply pressure and move the sander in a circular motion back and forth following the grain of the wood. Clean the surface with a wet paper towel and repeat this process at least twice.
Medium-grain Sanding
After that, switch to a medium-grain piece of sand paper and once again apply pressure and move the sander in a circular motion back and forth following the grain of the wood. Remove dust with a wet paper towel after the entire table is sanded.
Fine-grain Sanding

Finish sanding by attaching a fine-grain piece of sand paper and repeating the same motion used in steps 5 and 6. This should result in a super smooth table top. Thoroughly wipe down table after with wet paper towels. Let rest 15 minutes.

For the stain, pour a generous, or heavy, amount of the stain finish of your choice onto the table top. Put your Stain Mitt on and wipe down the entire table top following the grain of the wood. Let the stain rest for 15 minutes. Then, using a paper towel, wipe the excess stain off of the table top.