How to Shoot an Arrow

As a kid after I watched the movie Brave I always wanted to shoot an arrow and I never realized that there were steps to it. Right when I started archery I did not know all of the steps properly but I decided to write all of them for YOU !!
Find Your Dominant Eye

This step is the most important step. To be able to shoot an arrow you need to know which eye you are dominant in. In order to know your dominant eye first put your hand in face in a shape of triangle and put an object in that triangle. Then pull your hand back and the eye that it goes to is your dominant eye.

The way you're standing can determine whether you hit a bullseye or not. It might not make a huge difference but archery is all about all these small steps leading to success. You have to stand shoulder length apart and have your feet point a little bit towards your target.

Hold your bow in front of you and keep your hand relaxed, straight and have a firm grip.
Nock Your Arrow
To shoot an arrow first you have to nock it. To nock an arrow get your arrow and it should have a nock on the end of it then push it on to the string.
Finger Position

Place your fingers right below where you nocked your arrow. You can either use two fingers or 3 fingers.
Find Your Aim Point

Aim Point is the place where you aim on the target to get dead center or bullseye. To find your aim point you get all five of your arrows and aim exactly on the center. Then wherever all your arrows land on aim on the opposite side of the target. Now that you have found your aim point stick with it. But don't forget your aim point can change. So do not worry and redo the steps.
Pre Draw

pull the string back slightly and adjust your aim as you do so.

Now pull the string back all the way to your anchor point. Your anchor point is where you are going to place your fingers when you pull the string back.

Take your time when aiming. And don't forget that your aim point can change at anytime. So just adjust focus and adjust your aim.

When releasing your arrow slowly pull your fingers all the way back. You need to do that because you don't want to pluck your arrow because that will ruin your aim.
To Conclude

A tip that will help when you are shooting is to always clear your mind, focus and walk your self through all of the steps.