How to Shift an 18 Speed.

HI my name is William I have taught multiple people how to up or down shift in semis easily without the clutch, and without grinding the gears. Do you have troubles up or down shifting in a semi? I am going to show you how to up or downshift on an 18 speed in 4 easy steps. There are only about 18 percent of people in the United states who can drive a manual.
Before we get started you will need to get a semi with either a 9 speed 13 speed or an 18 speed. The only difference between them is that a 9 speed has no splitter. A 13 speed you can only split your high gears, and an 18 speed you can split your low and high gears.

Step one you press the clutch down as far as you can. (This will be the only time you will need the clutch while up shifting.) Then put it in First gear. Slowly let off the clutch while pressing the gas pedal slightly. The shift once you get to 1,500 RPM, and repeat until you get to your last low gear which in most trucks is 5th gear.

The next step is once you have hit 5th gear flip your high low switch to the high position and but your splitter in low if you are loaded. Splitting gears is generally unnecessary while unloaded. If you are using the splitter use the same process as shifting in low gears except once you hit 1,500 RPM take it out of gear put your splitter in high then put it back in the same gear, and repeat until your in the highest gear. Keep in mind once your about to shift you put the splitter back in low to go to the next gear.

Finally, once you are ready to slow down you will repeat the same steps as up shifting just in reverse. Once you are in the highest gear you can go in you flip up your engine brake and let off the gas and slightly press the brake until you reach about 1,000 RPM. Tap the throttle slightly to take it out of gear and then get your RPM’s back up to 1,500 and play with the throttle till it slide into gear. You do not need to split gears while down shifting.