How to Set Up Decoys

by Seth Madsen in Outside > Hunting

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How to Set Up Decoys

7 Bands.JPG

Hi my name is Seth Madsen. I have been successfully hunting waterfowl for many years. Waterfowl hunting can bring you great joy and satisfaction. I am going to show you in 3 easy steps how to properly set up decoys that will lead to success when you are out in the field. Did you know there is 41 different waterfowl species that you could hunt in the United States? And the population of these 41 different species is estimated to be around 40 million. In just three easy steps you to could be on successful hunts for many of the different species of waterfowl.


- GHG Full Body Goose Decoys

How to Assemble the Decoys

how to put stakes into the decoy

first of you got to get the decoys out of the bag and properly put the stake inside of the decoys there is little notches in the inside of the decoys where the stakes can slide into. There are two different notches in the bottom of the decoy the first is slimmer in shape. You will want put the stake in this notch if it is windy out. This limits the motion which looks more realistic. The bigger notched hole in the decoy is for low wind days so the decoys will actually a little bit in no wind situations.

How the Decoy Should Be Put in the Ground

How to set decoy in the ground

Next is how you put stakes with the decoy attached into the ground. What you do to put it in the ground is press on the top of the decoy the stake should slide into the ground and bam you got a decoy in the ground. You don’t want to have the decoy set to high cause birds will see this and not come into your decoys. Putting it in the ground so the decoy is closer to the ground also means that the stake is farther in so there is a less likely of a chance for it to tip over. there is one other thing you have to make Shure to do and this is point the decoys face first into the wind. this is how all waterfowl feed.

Different Types of Decoy Spread Shapes

U Shaped Spread.jpg
J hook Spread.jpg

Then you repeat the first two steps over and over again until you put all your decoys out. The decoys can also be set in different shapes and sizes. The Images above show you to different commonly used decoy spread shapes to set up your decoys in. The first one is a u shaped spread this one is most common and Is very effective. The decoys should be spread evenly throughout the U-shaped spread. The birds will want to land in the open area in the inside of the U. The second one is a L or J doesn't matter they are very similar in shape where the decoys from above look like and L or J hook in this spread you will want to put more decoys in the bottom of the L or J because this is where you want birds to land.