How to Ride a Longboard

by Mj1705 in Outside > Skateboarding

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How to Ride a Longboard


Wanted a new, quick and easy form of transportation. A longboard is the best way to go. I decided that between riding a scooter and riding a bike, riding a longboard is the easiest way to go. Not only is it easy but longboards have many designs that can be choose from base on which one you like most.



2.Helmet (Optional)

3.Elbow and Knee pads (Optional)

Step One: Gather All the Equipment That You Think Will Be Necessary.


The first thing you want to do is make sure you have a board to use and gear to go with it such as a helmet, and knee pads, and elbow pads which are optional to use.

Step 2: Go Outside and Try and Get on

Once you have gathered all your gear and have them on you should go outside and on the concrete place the board down and try to get on the board.

Step 3: Find Your Balance on the Board


Once you are able to actually get on the board you should try and find where you are able to balance at the most on the board and don’t lean forward or backward otherwise the board will fly out from under you.

Step 4: Determine If You Ride "Regular" or "Goofy"


After you are able to balance on the board you should get take one foot off of the board and place it on the board. You will need to determine what foot you find comfortable to push with. You can ride “Goofy” which is when your right foot is in the front and you push off with your left and then you can ride “Regular” which is when your left foot is in the front and you use your right foot to push.

Step 5: Which Foot Is More Comfortable to Push of With.


After, you are able to determine whether you ride “Goofy” or “Regular” try and figure out which exact position of the foot you're pushing off with feeling comfortable when you are on the board and practice bring that foot on and off the board.

Step 6: Ask Someone to Help You


Ask an adult or friend to help you by holding your hands when you try and push off.

Step 7: Trying to Push Off

February 26, 2021

Once an adult or friend is able to help you by holding your hand you should try and push off softly so you can get the board to move slowly while you are on it.

Step 8: Trying to Ride by Yourself

February 26, 2021

After you get the hang of using your foot to push off and ride slowly you should try and stop yourself while you are riding. To stop yourself, you take the foot you push off with and place it on the floor the same way you would stop a scooter.

Step 9: Learning and Trying to Turn

February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021

Once you feel comfortable riding you should try and turn. To turn left you will use your heels and to turn right you will use your toes. In order to turn left you will lean with your heels to turn left and lean with your toes to turn right.

Step 10: Finally Increasing Speed

February 26, 2021

Once you get comfortable with riding and stoping you can begin to increase your speed. You increase your speed based on how hard you push off.

Step 11: Your All Done So Have Some Fun

After all, these steps are completed and you are very comfortable with being on the board and riding it you will then know how to ride a longboard.