How to Remove a Tire

by assassinscaptin in Workshop > Cars

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How to Remove a Tire


Hi, my name is Tyler Moss. Today I will be teaching all about how to remove a front tire off a vehicle. I think I would be the best person to learn from due to the experience I have in doing this type of work. The steps are quite simple and should not be too long of a process. The things that will be needed to do the job are an air impact, compressed air to hook up to it, the correct size socket, a car jack and jack stands.

The first step will be to use a car jack to raise up the tire that will be getting taken off. Make sure to position the car Jack on a main part of the frame or axle. To do it the safe way, raising the front of the vehicle so that both tires are off the ground and putting jack stands on both sides of the axle (or any main part of the frame if available that won’t break or bend) to hold the vehicle up so there’s no way for it to fall back down.

After that, the second step will be to take the lug nuts off the tire that will be taken off. Depending on the tool that is being used to do this it can either take a long time, or a very short time. Using an air impact will be the fastest way to do it. Just make sure to have the right size impact socket to use for getting the lug nuts off. If it is to big it will very easily round off the lug nuts.

Once every lug nut is taken off, the tire should be able to come right off. Depending on the year of the vehicle or how long the tire has been on for there could be a chance that it is rusted on. In that case kicking the sides and the top and bottom of the tire with both feet while sitting on the ground will hopefully break it free.

November 2, 2020

To put the tire back on it is a very simple process. Put the tire back on the exact same way it was pulled it off. What I would do is put all the lug nuts on by hand first so there is no chance to cross thread them while putting them on with the impact. After they are all on, go ahead and snug them all up. But make sure that once one lug nut is tight, go to the opposite lug nut of the one that was just tightened, and tighten it up. Just to make sure the tire gets put on evenly.