How to Make a Origami Bats

Two different types of origami bats are made in this post. The first design is very simple and the other design is fairly simple as well. The second bat design was found on the Tadashi Mori YouTube channel. All you need is a square piece of paper. The only black paper I had was tar paper so it took a bit more effort to fold it. These bats make great decorations, especially for Halloween.
- Black Paper
Video Instructions

- This video shows the entire process that is outlined below.
Origami Bat Version 1

- Start with a square piece of paper
- Fold it in half diagonally
- Fold it in half again
- Unfold the last fold

- Fold the long side of the triangle up as shown
- Fold the top part down
- Fold in half
- Fold one of the sides up at an angle a bit past 90 degrees
- Do the same to the other side

- Fold one of the flaps so it aligns with the edge as shown
- Do the same to the other side
- Fold the top parts of the flaps at an angle, these will be the tips of the bat’s wings
- Open the wings and lift up the small flap folded earlier
- Cut the center of the small flap so it makes two parts
- Fold the flaps down so it makes two points
- You can draw a face on the bat if desired
Origami Bat Version 2

- Start with a square piece of paper and fold it in half diagonally
- Fold it in half again
- Unfold the last fold and flip it over
- Fold the tip up so it touches the long edge of the triangle
- Then unfold
- Fold the tip to the fold line just made
- Fold the crease line just made to the long edge of the triangle
- Fold the tip down to the crease line below it
- Fold it in half
- Unfold
- Flip over so the small flap with the tip is facing down

- Fold the sides up along the center crease line
- Fold the sides into the center making a crease line down from the ones just made
- Flip over
- Fold one of the sides back along the angled crease line and then fold to the centerline
- Do this again with the other crease line on the flap
- Fold the remainder of the flap to the center
- Fold the edge of the flap along the outer edge
- Do the same to the other side

- Pinch the top of the centerpiece of the bat making two points
- You can tape some string to the back of the bat to hang them up