How to Make T-shirt Bracelets

Weaving bracelets is a fun way to make use of old t-shirts, just cut the shirts into strips and use it as yarn. Instructables has a lot of great tutorials on weaving bracelets particularly ones made with paracord. One that I really like uses alternating half-hitch knots which is the method I used for making these. You can also try a cobra weave or this cool one.
Materials (image 2)
Materials (image 2)
- Old, clean t-shirts
- Scissors or rotary cutter and mat
- Clip
- Using scissors or a rotary cutter, remove and discard the hem from the bottom of the t-shirt (image 3).
- Cut up along the seam several centimeters, then begin to cut strips about 1-2cm wide along the bottom. For thinner material cut wider (2-2.5cm) strips (image 4). Once cut, grab the ends and pull, this will result in the material curling at the edges.
- You will need two strips about 4 feet long so you will likely need to combine several strips.
- Cut a small slit near the ends on both strips.
- String the slit-free end of one strip through the hole of the other strip then it's own slit, forming a loop.
- Pull the ends to tighten the loop.
- Take the two strips of fabric ~4ft long and fold each in half. Clip together at the fold giving you four strands (in my example two blue and two white).
- Take the two strands on the right (white) and fold them over the two strands on the left (blue) (image 7), then loop back under the blue and over the white (image 8). Tighten the knot.
- Take the blue strands and fold them over the white (image 9), then loop back under the white and over the blue (image 10). Tighten the knot.
- Repeat, alternating colours and making sure the knots are tightened evenly. Continue until it is long enough to wrap around your wrist.
- Remove the clip and feed the free ends through the loops and knot a couple of times. Cut off the excess strands (image 13,14 and 15).