How to Make People Think You Are a Pro Guitar Musician
by TOMERSTEINMETZ in Living > Music
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How to Make People Think You Are a Pro Guitar Musician

If you always dreamed to pull a show like a rockstar but didn't have the time to actually put effort in it, this is the right instructable for you!
Find a guitar:
dont make it too expensive, a cheap guitar will do the trick.
Get a pick:
there are few different types of picks, so try to get the one who suits you best, if you vace big hands for example i would try the longer pick and the sort one otherwise.
not a must but it would be a great advantage.

Tune the guitar:
Each string has a certain note, in order for the guitar to sound right, we need to make sure the strings are tuned correctly and you ou can use a tuner app to do so. open the app and start strumming the string closest to you, now turn the knob of the string that on the top of the guitar in the right direction (the app will sign you if you need to turn clockwise or the opposite), keep struming the string and adjusting the knob until the app shows a green light. Now keep the process with the other string from up to buttom and you'll be ready to go.

Now we will make the Am chord.
place you index finger on the second string
place your middle finger on the fourth string
place your ring finger underneath the middle finger on the third string
put your thumb behind the guitar.
Now we will play the C chord.
place you index finger on the second string
place your middle finger on the fourth string
place your ring finger on the fifth string
put your thumb behind the guitar.

Now we will make the Em chord.
place you index finger on the fifth string
place your middle finger on the fourth string
put your thumb behind the guitar.
Chord Switching
try to strum the guitar with the pick from up to buttom while doing the chords Am-C-Em.
the pattern is important because the chords were selcted for you specially - the transition between Am to C demends moving only one finger so even if you have no technic you can keep struming the guitar while switching chords and the sound will sound good enough for the unaked ear. the transtion between C to Em is also very easy because the pattern of the Em chord is the easiest and i thing you'll manage
Play the Music!

all you have to do now is just play that funky music by repeating the pattern