How to Make Halloween Chocolate Covered Pretzel Sticks

by bdever2028 in Cooking > Dessert

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How to Make Halloween Chocolate Covered Pretzel Sticks

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My mom and I make these chocolate-covered pretzel rods every year for holidays and special occasions. These are the Halloween-themed ones we make and they are mummie-themed and general Halloween-themed with sprinkles. They take around 30 mins and are nice to bring to parties, family events, or to give as a gift. I hope you have as much fun making these as I do and have a happy (early) Halloween!


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List of Materials:

  1. Pretzel Rods
  2. White Chocolate Melting Wafer (see chocolate above)
  3. Orange or Dark Chocolate Melting Wafer (see chocolate above)
  4. Edible Googly Eyes
  5. Your Favorite Halloween Sprinkles
  6. 2 Microwavable Bowls
  7. Spoon
  8. Parchment or Wax Paper

Laying Wax Paper/Parchment Paper

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  1. Lay out a piece of parchment/wax paper that can hold the amount of pretzel sticks you will make
  2. Recommended 12 pretzel rods for each theme

Pouring Wafers

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  1. Pour the whole bag of white chocolate melting wafers into the microwavable bowl
  2. Pour the whole bag of dark chocolate melting wafers into a separate microwavable bowl

Microwave Wafers

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  1. Melt wafers according to instructions on the back of the package or in 30-second increments.
  2. Wait until the wafers are fully melted chocolate before taking them out of the microwave.

Melted Wafers

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  1. Once the wafers are fully melted, stir with the spoon until the melted wafers are smooth

Remove Pretzel Rods

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  1. Remove pretzel rods from the packaging individually, one at a time to decorate

Pour Chocolate on Preztels

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  1. Hold the end of an individual pretzel rod, leaving 3/4 of the space to be covered in chocolate
  2. Dip the pretzel rod into the bowl of chocolate
  3. While dipping the pretzel rod in the bowl spin it around and use a spoon to pour chocolate onto it at the same time
  4. Make sure 3/4 of the pretzel rod is covered before you stop pouring chocolate
  5. Lightly shake all of the extra chocolate
  6. Once pretzel sticks are covered 3/4 place them on parchment/wax paper

Decorating Mummies

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  1. Allow pretzel rods to cool for approximately one minute before proceeding
  2. Add edible googly eyes about one inch down from the top of the chocolate
  3. Once cooled for a minute, using a spoon drizzle the remaining white chocolate horizontally across all pretzels to represent bandages
  4. Allow to completely cool before serving

Decorating Halloween Themed

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  1. Wait for rods to cool for thirty seconds to a minute
  2. Decorate by sprinkling sprinkles onto each of the rods
  3. Once cooled completely serve