How to Juggle a Soccer Ball

Have you ever played soccer ? Have you ever wanted to be one of the cool kids juggling your soccer ball ? Well im here to show you how. Juggling a soccer ball can be difficult to get the hang of but once you do its unimaginable how much you can do. I will be showing you how to juggle with your thighs but there i also many other things you can juggle a soccer ball with such as your feet and your head. I hope your enjoy these easy steps on how to juggle but just remember never give up.
- soccer ball ( the size you will need has to associate with your age or skill level )
- proper shoes ( preferably tennis shoes )
- A big open space
Gather Your Materials

To start off your going to want to get your materials (already previously listed) and take them into a big oped space. I will be doing it in a open space in my school.
second, your going to want to start off with picking up your ball. Then practice over and over again bouncing on first your right leg then your left leg alternating . Let me explain a little more. With the ball in your hands drop it on your right thigh, then with your right thigh bounce the ball off your thigh and then catch the ball. Now keep repeating this process for about 20 reps on each thigh
Repeat Double Time
Now your going to do something very similar to the second step except this time its going to be a little more complected. This time your going to pick up the ball but instead of bouncing it on your thighs once your going to do it twice in a row. So now pick up the ball drop it on your thigh and with your thigh bounce it twice in a row without catching it. After bouncing it twice on your thigh then your going to catch it. Like the last step your going to repeat this for 20 reps alternating thighs
Switching Thighs
Next, your going to do something more complex. You might fail multiple times because it can be hard to get the hang of. Your going to pick up your ball and like the third step bounce it on you right thigh twice without catching it. Unlike the third step instead of catching it after two bounces, without touching it your going to bounce it over to your left thigh. Then your going to bounce it off your left thigh. Now after bouncing it off your left thigh catch it with your hands. Repeat this for 30 reps this time and if you still cant get it do another ten reps.
Double Bounce Switch, Repeat
fifth step is almost the same as the other ones. This one your going to pick up your ball and drop it on your right thigh. Then your going to bounce it twice without catching it on that right thigh. Now your going to bounce it over without touching it to your left thigh. Then your going to also without touching it going to bounce it twice on your left thigh then catch it. Repeat this for 30 reps.
Lets Do It !
Now were going to try to put all these steps together to juggle a soccer ball. Now that was just training so now its time to free style. Your going to start with dropping it on one thigh either one works. Then your going to bounce it as many times as you want then whenever you like bounce it to your other leg now its all on your own. Take all the steps you've learned and bounce and switch thighs whenever you want. You can even add in some head and feet juggling.
Bonus Bouncing
Now you can go even further if you want. If you think you got the thigh juggling down you can try juggling with you feet too. Lets say the ball that your juggling with your thigh starts to fall. Use your feet and kick it back up to your thigh and keep going. This will help make your juggling more consistent and make you look more professional.
You Did It !
You did it ! Now you can juggle with a soccer ball and look like a cool kid. Also this can also help in soccer for settling it in the air. Hope you enjoy. Happy juggling !