How to Drive a Tractor

I will be demonstrating how to drive a John Deere 6150R

There are not many supplies needed for this demonstration. The only thing needed is your self and a John Deere 6150R
How to Start the Tractor

The first step to this process is getting into to the tractor. Once in the tractor the next step making sure that the left-hand reverser on the left side of the steering wheel is in neutral and that the gear selector is in either neutral or park. Next step is to start it up. To do that, press the clutch which is the pedal on the far left, and turn the key until it fires up.
Getting the Tractor to Start Moving

Once the tractor is running, the next step is to put it into gear and start moving. On the right-hand council there is a handle, that’s the gear selector, and it has A, B, C, D and E. The further up the alphabet you go the faster the tractor will go. For this demonstration we will start in gear B. To get the tractor into gear B press the clutch and grab gear selector and put it into gear B then let the clutch out. At this point, the tractor will still not be moving. To get the tractor to move press down on the clutch once again, and move your left-hand reverser, that is to the left side of the steering wheel, to either the forward or reverse position depending on the desired. Once it’s in the desired position, let the clutch out very slowly and the tractor will begin to move.
How to Speed Up

The next step to this process is how to speed up while driving. There are a few different ways to get the tractor to speed up once the tractor is moving. One way is to slide the orange thing on the right-hand side towards the rabbit. Also, on the gear selector previously used to put the tractor into B gear, there is a rabbit button and a turtle button. To speed up press the rabbit and to slow down press the turtle. Another way to speed up is to press down the clutch and use the gear selector and move it to a higher letter in the alphabet.
How to Slow Down and Stop

To slow back down just repeat the process of the last few steps but backwards. There are a few different ways to slow down just like speeding up. One way to slow down is to use the orange slider on the right had side and slide it down. Another way is to push the turtle button on your gear selector to slow down. The last way to slow down is to press the clutch in and use the gear selector to shift down into a lower gear. Once the tractor got slowed down and want to stop press in on the clutch and then press the brake pedals in. If the clutch is not pushed in while trying to stop it’s kind of like pushing the gas and break at the same time on a car. It just doesn’t work very well and is not good for it.

The final thing is how to get the tractor stopped and put into park. To stop the tractor, push in on the clutch pedal and then push the brake pedal in. If the clutch is not pushed in while trying to stop it’s kind of like pushing the gas and break at the same time on a car. It just doesn’t work very well and is not good for it. Once you are stopped and you want to put the tractor in park the first thing that you need to do is use hold down you clutch and put the left-hand reverser and put it into neutral. After that keep your clutch held in and use your gear selector and put it into P which is park.