How to Dress Like a Hunter

So, you want to dress like a hunter, eh? Well then, you've come to right place. I may not look it, nut I am a prepper and a hunter. You can thank my step-father for this instructable!
-Black, white, or grey t-shirt or tank top.
-Camo cargo pants or dark colored jeans.
-Camo jacket
-Some hiking boots, or black work boots.
Step 1: the Shirt

You need either are t-shirt, tank top, or long sleeve shirt first. It should be black, grey, or white. Choose whatever is most comfortable for you.
Step 2: Pants
Get some camo cargo pants or some dark black or grey jeans. Again, it depends on whats most comfortable to you. Sorry there is no picture here. When I make a new profile, I will have better pictures and stuff.
Step 3: the Jacket

As you can see, mine is a camo woolen button down, but you should probably use an actual jacket, weather permitting. Once again, do whats best for you. You may not have a full set of hunting and fishing gear like me.
Step 4: Boots
Ideally, you should wear either hiking boots or work boots, but it's ok to use tennis shoes.