How to Dip-Dye Your Hair With Kool-Aid

by creativity123 in Living > Beauty

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How to Dip-Dye Your Hair With Kool-Aid

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Hi everyone, This Instructable is on How to Dip-Dye your Hair with Kool-Aid. Yep, Kool-Aid! Odd isn't it? However, using Kool-Aid to dye your hair, as strange as it may sound, is a great, inexpensive way to dip-dye your hair, and it lasts a long time! When I first did it, it lasted a good 4 months without fading much.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Gathering the Supplies


You will need:

Kool-Aid (obviously! :D) I used one packet of tropical punch for a bright red/pink color.

A small pot

A mug

A hairbrush

Hair ties

Plastic Spoon (not pictured)

Note: I only used one packet of Kool-Aid because my hair is naturally blonde, if your hair is darker you may need more packets of Kool-Aid. Also, it depends on the color you are using. Also, dying your hair with Kool-Aid will last a long time, at least for me it did!

Choosing the Pieces of Hair


It's time to choose the pieces of hair you are going to dye. You can dip-dye all the ends of your hair, or you can do some of the ends like I chose to do. I tied the pieces I wanted dyed with a hair tie. In the pictures, you can see my hair is already a little red/pink, that is because I've dyed it before with Kool-Aid. It faded a bit so I am dyeing it again to make it brighter. :-)

Boiling the Kool-Aid


Now we're ready to bring the Kool-Aid to a boil! I poured the Kool-Aid into a small pot and added water. I did not do a specific measurement of water. Once the water is added into the pot of Kool-Aid, stir it with a plastic spoon!

Put the pot of Kool-Aid on the stove, set the heat to high. Put the cover on and wait for it to boil.

Be careful using the stove.

Dying Your Hair!


Once the Kool-Aid has boiled, pour it into your mug. Be careful, the Kool-Aid may stain your counter! Leave your hair in the Kool-Aid for about 5-7 minutes. I left my hair in the Kool-Aid for about 2-3 minutes, since it has already been dyed with Kool-Aid. Time may vary depending on your hair color. Pat your hair dry with a paper towel, then brush it out.

After you have dyed your hair, quickly dry it and your good to go!

Note: On the first day, stay away from rain or swimming. The color will bleed until you wash it. I usually wash mine by the end of the day that I dyed it.

The Result! :)

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After you've done all those steps, you should have really cool colored hair! Yay!

I added some pictures of what my hair looks like, and also a before and after picture.
