How to Create a Website With HTML

by mlarapet14 in Circuits > Computers

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How to Create a Website With HTML


The following instructions provide step-by-step instructions to create a simple website with HTML. You will learn to upload a title, header, and paragraph to Google Chrome. Formatting code for clarity by pressing “enter” is also introduced in this instruction set. This instruction set is meant for beginners with no coding experience, and should take about five minutes to create.


-Windows PC

-Notepad Application

Open Notepad

Step 1.png

Open Notepad app on laptop

-Click on the Windows icon

-Type and select “Notepad”

Add DOCTYPE Element

Screenshot (81).png

Type & Enter <!DOCTYPE html>

NOTE: This specifies to the browser what version of HTML you are using. This version is HTML5.

Add HTML Element

Screenshot (82).png

Type & Enter <html>

NOTE: Text in between <> brackets is called an “element.”

Add Header Element

Screenshot (83).png

Type & Enter <head>

Add Title Element

Screenshot (84).png

Type & Enter<title>Test Title</title>

NOTE: “/” closes the element

Close Header Element

Screenshot (85).png

Type & Enter </head>

Add Body Element

Screenshot (86).png

Type & Enter <body>

NOTE: All content in the <body> element is displayed on the webpage.

Add H1 Header Element

Screenshot (87).png

Type & Enter <h1>Test Header</h1>

Add Paragraph Element

Screenshot (88).png

Type & Enter <p>This is a paragraph</p>

Close Body Element

Screenshot (96).png

Type & Enter </body>

Begin Save

Screenshot (89).png

Click File. This opens a dropdown menu. Click “Save As”

Name File

Screenshot (92).png

Name the file “webpage.html”

Change File Type

Screenshot (93).png

Click the drop-down menu on “Save as type” Change “save as type” to “all files”

Finish Save

Screenshot (94).png

Click Save, then exit Notepad

Right-click on Document

Screenshot (97).png

Open the File Explorer “Downloads,” then right-click on the HTML document.

NOTE: Most computers automatically save documents to “Downloads”

NOTE: Most computers save documents to “Downloads”

Open Document

Screenshot (98).png

Right-click on the “webpage” document. Select “Open With -> Google Chrome”

View Webpage

Screenshot (99).png

Congratulations! Your webpage is displayed. If content is missing, double-check for typos. Typos are the most common error in coding. Secondly, ensure the content is saved as .html, not the default .txt. With this basic knowledge, you now have the foundation to learn new HTML elements such as images and links. Enjoy learning more HTML!