How to Change a Tire

by QuintenH in Workshop > Cars

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How to Change a Tire


I am Quinten Hegstad and I used to work at a tire shop. Did you know changing your own tire can save you money? Today I will be showing you all the steps to change your tire.

Gather Supplies


first you will need a jack and a tire iron. All vehicles come with all the supplies needed to change a tire. The supplies are usually under the backseat or in the trunk.

Jack Up the Vehicle


When jacking up the vehicle the jack should be on the Frame or on the axels. If the vehicle is jacked on the wrong spot it could fall or crumple the metal. After the jack is placed jack the car an inch off the ground.

Unscrew the Lug Nuts


Grab the tire iron and take off the lug nuts. spray the lugs with WD-40 if they are rusty. If the tires won't come off kick the tire and it should pop off.

Put on New Tire

Grab the new tire and set it in. Screw the lug nuts on finger tight so they don't cross thread. then tighten the lug nuts with an impact or tire iron.

Torque and Check Tire Pressure


torque the lug nuts to the owners manual specs. then check the tire pressure. the correct pressure for the tire is on the side of the tire.