How to Change Oil in a Car

Changing the oil in a car is one of the most important things that a car needs to have the best performance and to last longer, some people pay hundreds of dollars to get their oil change because they don’t know how to do it or may think is too complicated. Before starting you need to buy the filter and the correct oil, to get the correct oil the hood needs to be open and the correct number will be on the cap where the oil goes and the number should be with numbers or letters for example “5w-30” will be the oil number that the car uses, now to get the right filter you need to go under the car and locate the oil filter and it will have a serial number and that will be the number of the filter.
Oil filter and
Step One

The first step is to open the hood of the car and take out the cap where the oil number was that way the oil will drain faster, after that under the car, there will be a nut that will be located a little behind the motor, after locating it get the right size of socket ranch to lose the nut and to rain the oil, a bucket will be necessary to not make a mess, take out the nut and put the bucket right under the oil is coming from and let it drain for about 3-5 minutes.
Step 2
When the oil is completely drained put the nut back where the oil was coming from and do not twist too much because it can damage the seal so twisted till the nut starts to get a little hard, after that get the new filter and locate the old one and twist the old one till is out, get some oil from the bucket or the old filter and put some drops of it in the seal of the new filter and rub it around and put the new filter where the old one was twisted till it starts to get hard.
Step 3
After the new filter is on go back to the top of the car and get the oil and start pouring it and check every bottle of oil you put in, to check the oil there will be a little loop that will be a bright color and pull that loop and it will be a little bar that will have 2 big marks, the bottom one is the lowest point in the oil and the top one is the point where is full, after pouring the right amount of oil put the cap of oil where it was and close the hood.
After changing the oil check it 2-3 times a week that way there is nothing loose and how dirty the oil gets over time.