How to Change Clutch Weights and Add Shims to 2016-2018 Yamaha Kodiak 700
by sale9360 in Outside > Hunting
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How to Change Clutch Weights and Add Shims to 2016-2018 Yamaha Kodiak 700

This instructable guide is to teach someone with zero ATV experience how to change out clutch weights and to add shims to the clutch on a 2016-2018 Yamaha Kodiak 700 or Grizzly 700 (may also work for other years, or for the 450). These are mods to give a little more bottom-end power to your quad, this is helpful when going to a larger diameter or heavier tire.
10mm socket 3/8in drive
2- 12mm wrench
3inch 3/8in extension
3/8 swivel
3/8 ratchet
27mmsocket 1/2in drive
1/2in drive impact
4mm Allen wrench
Flat head screwdriver
Philips head screwdriver
1mm clutch shim
.2mm clutch shim
Replacement clutch weights
Removing the Screws in the Storage Compartment

Remove the 4 Philips head screws in the storage compartment
Remove Seat and Push Pins

The seat is held on by grommets. Grab the rear of the seat and pull up, then the seat will slide back and be fully released. After you pull off the seat there should be 2 plastic rivets right under where the front of the seat was.
Remove the Front Plastic Guard

Grab on to the edge closest to the handlebars and pull upward, the 4 grommets will let free then just slide the whole piece backward toward the handlebars.
There are 2 10mm bolts underneath this guard holding the tank plastic to the frame that you will need to remove.
Remove Footwell

Remove the 4 bolts in the floor of the footwell, all 4 of these bolts are 10mm. The front bolt closest to the clutch cover is hard to undo because of its position, using the 3/8 swivel will help get this bolt out.
There are also 6 bolts in the sides of the footwells, these bolts have a 4mm Allen head and a 10mm nut on the back of them.
Now that all the bolts have been removed lift the footwell out of the way make sure it clears the brake pedal.
Remove Side Panel

Remove the 10mm bolt closest to the ignition shown in the picture.
Next remove the side panel by freeing it from the tank plastic by sliding the tank plastic backward till the slots are free then start pulling it upward.
Move Brake Pedal Out of the Way

Loosen the brake line that is back up in the front right wheel well. once this is loosened pull the brake pedal down and out of the way. This step requires 2 12mm wrenches, one to hold the lower nut in place and 1 to turn the upper one
Note - It may help to zip tie it down
Remove Clutch Cover

Remove the 12 10mm bolts from the clutch cover
The far-left bolt is hard to get at, you will have to pull the rear fender over to the side to get the rachet in.
Then remove the clutch cover, this just pulls straight off, once again it may get caught on the rear fender or on the brake pedal so make sure they are out of the way.
Remove Clutch Basket and Release Tension

The clutch basket is held on by 4 10mm bolts 1 in each corner of the basket the top right and bottom left bolts are slightly longer. To remove this part you will need to remove these 4 bolts.
To be able to remove the primary clutch you will need to remove the tension on the belt. The 2 longer 10mm bolts from the basket will be needed for this, start tightening them into the 2 threaded holes in the secondary, this will spread the plates apart releasing the belt tension.
Remove Primary Clutch

To remove the primary clutch you will need a 27mm socket and an impact, for this to work the quad will need to be in park or it will roll away from turning the clutch.
After removing the nut you will be able to slide the washer, primary, and collar off of the shaft.
When removing the primary clutch always check the face for damage.
Disassembling the Primary Clutch

The primary is held together by 8 Philips head screws. Once these are removed you will need to pull the cover off and remove the cam it should just slide right out.
Replacing the Clutch Weights

Remove the 8 32gram clutch weights from their slots and add the 16gram replacement weights.
Reassemble Primary Clutch

After you have replaced the weights put the cam back into the housing. Make sure that the O-ring around the outside of the housing is fully in the groove so that the seal works properly. Next, add the cover back on and line up the holes on the face of the housing. Add all 8 Philips head bolts back into the cover, make sure that they are tightly in place.
Reattach Primary Clutch

The other mod we are doing is a shim mod, add the 1mm and the .2mm shims these will change the ratio between the primary and the secondary clutches.
Next, you will need to add the collar and primary. Make sure the primary's inner face is clean of all debris and grease. Make sure the primary goes back on straight because if any of the weights are out of their slots they will cause lots of damage and future problems.
Make sure the splines on the shaft are visible, add the washer and the 22mm nut and make sure impact it on tight.
Replacing the Clutch Basket

When reattaching the clutch basket make sure the side of the cover with the solid quarter is toward the backside of the machine. Make sure that both of the sleeves are in the correct position, one in the top right hole and one in the bottom left hole. You will use the same 4 10mm bolts from disassembly. The longer bolts go in top right and bottom left.
Replacing the Clutch Cover
Reconnect the clutch cover by putting the left side in first making sure you clear the plastics then make sure the bottom right side clears the brake pedal, even with it out of the way you will still need to play with it to get it in place. Then add all 12 10mm bolts back into the cover to hold it in place.
Replace Footwell

After you have fully secured the clutch cover, next add the footwell. The footwell should just drop straight down in place, you may still have to move the pedal out of the way for it to be set right. Next, replace the 4 10mm bolts in the bottom of the floor panel. Then add the 6 4mm Allen head bolts with the 10mm nuts on the back out of the 6 bolts, there is 1 bolt that is slightly longer it goes in the innermost hole in the front fender because it has an extra piece of plastic to hold.
Tighten Brake Lines
Retighten the brake lines, you will need to have 2 12mm wrenches 1 to hold the lower nut in place and 1 to tighten the top nut.
Replace Side Panel
Replace the side panel by lowering the panel into the slots in the front and rear fenders. Make sure the tank cover also slides into place above the side cover. the top cover will need to be slid forward for it to lock into place. During this process, the opposite side may have popped out of place so you may need to adjust it also.
Replace Seat and Guard

Next, put the plastic rivets into the holes on the rear of the tank cover. Then take the seat and slide the posts into the slots in the side of the top cover and press the rear of the seat into place.
Replace Front Guard

Replace the 2 10mm bolts in front of the handlebars and slide in the front guard making sure the extrusions fit into the slots in the front plastics.