How to Build a Skateboard

Hello, my name is Georg. In this instructable, I will show and explain how to assemble your first skateboard.
Building your first personalist skateboard can be a really confusing task at first. I want to take you through this process step by step so that you can go to ride as fast as possible.
Step One: Make Sure That All Parts Are There

Before you start building it is important to check that you have collected all parts and tools. This includes:
- Deck
- Trucks
- Wheels
- Bearings Bolts, Nuts, Spacers
- Grip Tape
- Skate Tools
- Razer Blade
Step Tow: Applying the Grip Tape

What you want to do first is to search for the nose. You can tell, it's always a little bit longer and a little bit higher.
Start by peeling the paper off the back of the grip tape. Then apply the grip tape, start in the middle and then move out in both directions, this will make sure you don't get air bubbles. Now use a truck or screwdriver and move along the edges to trace a line along the edges of the deck. Now use the razor blade to cut along the line, hold your blade at a 45-degree angle, this way you get clean edges. Lastly use the screwdriver agen to smash the holes through the grip tape. When you finish cutting off your grip, your board should look like this.
Step Three: Setting Up the Trucks

When setting up your trucks it is important that your rubber joint is facing to the inside on both sides.
Take the eight screws and nuts for the trucks and put them through the holes. Then attach your trucks to them and use the nuts to secure them.
Step Four: Attaching the Wheels

After your trucks are on the deck it is time to set up the wheels.
Start by putting the bearings into your wheels. This can be a hard task especially if you have hard wheels. I like to put the bearing and wheel on the truck and then lean on it with my body weight, this way I always get my bearings in. (Like shown in the video) Put a spacer on the truck, place the wheel on top and add another spacer. The spacers reduce friction and give you a smoother ride. Lastly use the nuts to top it off and secure it. Make sure that you first titan everything so that the wheels don't move and then loosen it again to your liking.