How to Bend PVC Pipes

This is the easy way of bending the PVC pipe for most of the pvc pipe projects to make,This is alternative of heatgun method which not everyone have so this is a better approach on this work.
ALuminium sheet
PVC pipe
PVC end cap
Think cloth or heat resistance glove

take the almunium sheet and roll it about to make a funnel and secure it with a tape.

Place the end cap on the one side of PVC pipe need to be bend ,place the funnel on the other end.
Place the Cooking pot on the stove on high flame for about 5 minutes then place that hot sand in to the funnel in pvc pipe let it stay there for 1 minute.

then place the pvc pipe on the table and start bending it with the thick cloth or heat resistant gloves
place the t joint for holding the shape and let it cool for 5 minutes then pour the sand out of it.
this method can be used to shape pvc in any shape we need it is better than heatgun method because the sand prevents the puncture in sharp point of bending.