How to Make Seitan

Seitan or wheat gluten (wheat-meat) is a great meat alternative for vegetarians. As vegetarians know, combining legumes and grains such as humus and pita, rice and beans, or peanut butter on bread creates a complete protein (provides all the essential amino acids); this seitan recipe does the same by using soy and corn flour with the wheat gluten.
What You Will Need:

- 1/4 cup flour
- 1/4 cup corn flour (or fine grind corn meal)
- 1/4 cup soy flour
- 1 1/2 cup vital wheat gluten*
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 1/2 cups vegetable stock**
- another 2 quarts vegetable stock**
*Vital wheat gluten or wheat gluten can be found in regular grocery stores and health food stores.
**The vegetable stock gives the seitan it's flavor, feel free to add other spices or seasoning to your taste ie; garlic, soy sauce, tamari etc.
- measuring cups and spoons
- large bowl
- spoon for stirring
- sifter
- large cooking pot
Measure and Sift the Flours Into a Large Bowl.

Add the Salt and Baking Powder, Then Mix the Dry Ingredients.

Add the Vegetable Stock and Mix Well With a Spoon.

Knead and Let Rest for 20 Minutes.

Knead Again for About a Minute and Let Rest for 10 Minutes.

Knead and Slice

- Knead again, this time putting pressure in the centre of the dough so that it forms a ring.
- Cut apart the ring.
- Then slice ~1cm thick pieces.
Cook Seitan

- Bring the 2 quarts vegetable stock to a boil and add the slices of dough.
- Stir occasionally so that they don't stick together.
- Turn the heat down and let simmer for 20 minutes.
- After 20 minutes, remove pieces from the pot and place on a plate to cool.
Finished Seitan

Seitan is best sauted before eaten. It's yummy in stir-fries or try it in fajitas.
Seitan can be stored "as is" in the freezer, I usually divide the pieces up into meal size portions and store it in a freezers bags.
Seitan can be stored "as is" in the freezer, I usually divide the pieces up into meal size portions and store it in a freezers bags.