How to Make Paper Roses

Who doesn't love roses? Following the directions in this instructable, you can make one, three or a dozen roses. I made one rose out of kraft paper from a recycled/reused grocery bag, so the craft is very frugal in it's demands.
Gather Supplies and Tools

Supplies and tools for this craft is very minimal. You need paper, scissors, glue, a pen or marker for drawing lines, a few clamps can be helpful, and that's about it. The paper choices are unlimited, but I have used: watercolor paper, cardstock, regular and colored bond paper, kraft paper from grocery bags, etc. I don't recommend tissue paper as I have not used it and believe it is in a class of it's own.
Draw Various Parts on Paper

After doing this for awhile, you will be able to simply cut without drawing. Shown are some designs you can use to begin with. As you can see, each individual shape is quite simple. Draw if necessary by following the picture shown. Try to maintain size relationships.
Cut Petals and Leaves for Your Rose

Using your drawn patterns, cut out 2 or 3 leaves, 3 outer pedals, and 4 inner petals.
Fold and Burnish Outer Petals

Glue Outer Petals Together.

The three outer petals are glued together to make the base of the rose.
Proceed to Inner Petals

Here, three or four concentric circles are wound or wrapped into cone shapes. You should have 3 or 4 different sizes of circles.
Glue Inner Petals to Outer Petal Base

Having glued three or four cones together, we can now glue them to the base made previously.
Add Leaves

I add two or three leaves to the bottom of the rose. The leaves are cut out and the edges are serrated by making cuts along the edges of the leaf.
Arrange Rose, or Roses As Desired

Several arrangements are shown. Possibilities are limitless, of course, and it depends on your time and needs. Have fun.