How to Make an Ant Trap

In this video I'll show you how to make a homemade ant trap using peanut butter and borax. No chemicals are needed. This is an inexpensive solution and it is easy to do yourself with products you can usually find in your house already. The best part is that it actually works. On four occasions I have had little sugar ants getting the house through a tiny crack near the door to the kitchen. These ants then wander all around the kitchen looking for something greasy or sweet to eat. Whenever I see them I place a homemade trap like the one in this video near their entry point and they can't help but stop and go for the easy meal. They eat the food and bring it back to the colony without continuing their search any further into the kitchen. The key to success is when one of the ants brings some Peanut Butter and Borax back to the Queen of the colony. Once she takes the bait and experiences the effects of Borax the whole colony will die out.
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