Ring Spike

by Mikias A in Outside > Sports

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Ring Spike

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A game I'd try to turn into reality.

Ages 2+ are eligible to play.

4-12 foot rings

Defense has 2 different styles

Offense has 1 simple style

No ball bigger then 7 inches

Poles can be on cement floor or grass

Rings will be 30 feet away from each other




Running shoes

Tactical gloves

Lesson 1

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Circle shaped 12 foot rings standing on 2 poles

Toddlers (2-3) 4 foot rings

Preschoolers (4-5) 4 foot rings

Middle Childhood (6-9) 6 foot rings

Tweens (10-12) 9 foot rings

Teens (13-17) 11 foot rings

Adults (18+) 12 foot rings

Lesson 2

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2 separate teams (30 competitors) 15 on each team

Lesson 3

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Back to back jump spike to determine which team gets ball first

Lesson 4

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Ball dropped on the ground, Intercepted and blocked results in a half a point deduction and the opponents team ball. Note: Ball has to be blocked with 2 hands by 2 competitors on each team at least twice, one of the teams forget the opposite team gets 10 bonus points at the end of the game. Both teams forget... the game is a draw and everybody starts over. If both teams remember all the way through, the sport is played the ordinary way it should be.

Lesson 5

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7 second time limit for each person with the ball, if the time was extended longer ranging from 10sec-1min there's a possibility that there would be fooling around and ball hogging purposely until time is up. The 7 seconds are up and the ball is not passed or scored it ends up being the opponents team ball. Therefore an acceptable deduction of 2 points will happen for each time someone doesn't.

Lesson 6

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Every score is worth 2.5 (two and a half points). (Opponents team ball when/if Offense scores).

Note: You don't have to be underneath the hoop to retrieve the ball, I put him there since their was no space.

Lesson 7

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Interception/Defense is to be used when your opponents team is passing, attempting and ready to score, The person with the 7 second time limit could most likely score if they go straight to the ring. This is where the twist is..., the opponent can follow you to the ring and stop you from scoring but not necessarily in a defensive way. For them to stop you they will be shuffling, fast or slow however they intend to do it. While the particular person has the ball they can run yet the opponents can't they're following them to the ring shuffling... again... they choose to go slow or fast the choice is there's since there isn't a rule to that. When the opponent is following there opposite team to the ring no hands up no reaching hands should be no where but your sides. The players who are barely guarding the offensive players every other possession can't do nothing but put their hands to their thighs and shuffle there way to the ring with the offensive player if they decide to drive. If an offensive player decides to spike the ball from long range, mid range, you can do some sort of intimidation.. as in scream, clap your hands, except jumping. Just something to distract them from spiking and getting in their head to make them miss. Even if they're in the air spiking before you were able to do anything you can still intimidate them doing what you can at that time being. For this purpose you need to try and play that mind game and defeat your opponent mentally. Once the offensive player has at least a foot off the ground while driving... any defensive and interception play will be allowed. The long range and mid range spiking rule is a little similar therefore instead of shuffling you take 2 steps at a time, ( moving forwards), (backwards), (side to side) and there's no defending or interception if they spike from any of those ranges even when/if their jumping no defense and interception just ways of intimidation. Other then that hands will still be by your thighs. Note: These specific rules only apply if the ball isn't passed more than twice.

Lesson 8

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The only method of scoring that will count is by spiking. It can be a pass spike, hold it in the air spike.. etc. it just needs to involve spiking. Throwing, kicking, punching and head shots into the ring results in a 5 point deduction. Spiking only.

Lesson 9

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In step 7 I described the rules of interception and defense if the ball wasn't shared with more then two times. However if it is passed 3 or more times defenders may press their offensive players locking them up anywhere in there space if they want to. This lockdown defense can happen immediately if the jump spike is passed several times all at once to whatever team at the beginning of the game retrieves it. Defenders also no longer have to shuffle from that point out and then, they can simply run. Any slapping, grabbing, pushing, pulling, drop kicks, uppercuts, elbowing, kneeing, head butting and tripping results in a 6 point deduction and will result in offenses ball. Offense will still have the same regulations applied, they do one, some or even all of the ten at once... it's a 6 point deduction leaving it no other choice but to be defenses ball. A referee would be recommended for this game.

Note: Referee, coach or game host decides how many points their players go up to ranging from 20-100. The sport needs to be played for at least 10 minutes, if time is to be extended it's the coaches, game host and referee's decision at that point.

Note: tripping can most likely occur on accident often , when/if it does the 2 people, or however many people do it to the one person would just go to the middle and do a back to back jump spike again for the ball. Only if it was accidental, (purposefully), no. Even the person who got tripped by their opponents whether they were the offensive player or defensive player can just get their ball back again and do a redo/replay where the 2 teams go in front of there rings. Then a coach, game host or referee hands that specific person the ball... to get the game up and running again. Before that the penalty will most likely be persuaded which will come to a timeout/break for a maximum time no more then 2:30 minutes, accident or purposeful tripping is still a penalty. Just like the other 9 I instructed on not doing (ALL PENALTIES). Coach, game host, referee chooses if they want 1 or both solutions done. The time clocks out all competitors should be ready and set to continue on with the game from the timer they left off from. They can be in the corner, the front, the back, sitting on a bench It doesn't matter where they hand the ball from.

Note: Robbing the ball is the last defensive stat that will be allowed, don't get carried away and protect the ball.

Note: Offensive game hasn't changed since step 7. Offensive players will always be able to run and use their time limit to there best advantage.

Note: Players on defense may run to stop their competition from scoring only if the ball has been shared with 3 or more times. *You do the routine I explained when the game starts until there's more then 2 assists, if you can't recall how it works go back to step 7.

Final Note/Reminder: Offensive players just run with the ball attempting to pass and score within their time limit. As I said earlier defensive players can have the same and different routine in-between the game determining how many times the ball has been passed.

Lesson 10

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Small dodgeball or softball would be used for this sport


I know, I know. "This is my last check in and update I'm doing on instructables overall". I mean updates barely I just corrected the license and put a couple more pictures. Equipment and rules remained the same the second I completed the project. My Fault, My Fault... publishing this sport I chose not to pay attention to the types of license and just randomly selected one out of the ordinary without knowing what the majority of them meant. I still highly doubt the game would of worked either way but now... (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). If it somehow worked and it were still up to me I would STILL want it to be given to a well known entrepreneur. Now I'm no longer in control and ANYBODY does what they want with it. THIS... will be my last check in and updates on here, for real this time, once again... MY BAD and their should be no more ERRORS. Ring Spike: Basketball and Volleyball combined. 04/23/22