Homemade Kite From an Old Tent

by Cdog2897 in Outside > Kites

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Homemade Kite From an Old Tent

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This instructable will show you how to make a kite from scratch. I used an old tent, but a garbage bag could work too.


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For supplies, you need:

Two sticks

Material from tent, garbage bag, etc.


Tie the Frame

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Now time to tie the frame. Look at the pictures on how to tie it. You want to tie the cross stick about two thirds of the way up.

Cut the Sail and Tie It to the Frame

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Cut the material that you are using and tie it to the frame. You don't need to tape it (although you could), but it might stay on better if you did. Just do what you think is easiest/best.

Put on the String That Makes It Fly

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This step is pretty simple. Just tie the string onto the three different spots shown on the picture and attach that to your main roll of string.

Attach the Ribbon

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The ribbon helps balance the kite, and is essential to the flight of it. Just tie the ribbon onto the bottom of your kite, and your done. I just cut the ribbon from the original material of the kite, and tied and overhand knot to the end of it.

Fly Your Kite

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This is where your work pays off. Flying kites can be really fun and especially fun if you succeed getting it into the air. The picture above shows you what it looks like in flight.