Home Made Rocket
In this project I tried to make a model rocket capable of safe landing with Parachute , and also collect the flight data.
Designing a model rocket is complicated in many different ways ,but it is more challenging to figure it out the mistakes. At every step one need to understand what is going on and what may be the output. "Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first ,the lesson afterward" Verson Law. From the above line we need to understand that there might be lots of information ,but still the main purpose of this whole project is to give you a basic introduction about model rocket ,so that one can take help from here and can make his own rocket and learn from errors and experience.
Visit my website for more details:https://hrkproject.wordpress.com/home/

Material used : PVC pipe, card board, acrylic sheet, spray paint
Material Selection

The body of the rocket is very important. So the selective material should be such that it is strong with high melting point. In general case cylindrical PVC pipe is preferred. Nose cone can be made of plastic champion cup.

It is very important to have a good knowledge on sensors and micro controller for this project. Here arduino nano is used as a controller board .All codes and schematics are given below.

Software used
1)Arduino IDE: To write codes
2)Open Rocket: To simulate the rocket
3) Fusion360: for rocket design purpose
Complete Guide and Info

All necessary info can be found here :